Pippa White is an girl from the year 2015. Bellamy Jezebel is a not so ordinary guy from the year 3046. How did they meet each other? In their dreams. Literally.
A forbidden love that stretches through the fabric of time. A mysterious government h...
The hum of a thousand-people busy working in their mundane lives and their mundane jobs lulled Bellamy into a trance. His eyes glazed over as he gazed out of the tall glass window that covered the wall from the floor to the ceiling.
A few voices murmured around him, their conversations meaningless and frustrating to his ears. Perhaps a few months ago he would have found their talk of technology and advancement interesting, but now, he had more important things to think about.
Like the girl who had travelled through time over a month ago because of a bond that they shared, and the fact that the government who insisted that they lived in a utopia were keeping her locked up tight in the medical facility-where he was forbidden from going unattended.
He could only gaze at her- the only one who had brought him comfort and shown him the true meaning of friendship and freedom- through the thick glass of the confinement station where she now lived. Her sallow skin and sad eyes wrenching at his heart as he watched the society he belonged to suck her soul out.
But he should have known that was what they would do to her. Only in the imagination of his day dreams were they together, in his new spacious apartment, enjoying each other's company freely. He would dream about her too if he could, but he didn't dream any more.
The deep cough of his boss made him sit up straight, his mind snapping back into the scenario he now found himself in. He had been given another promotion, played off with politics as his father was preparing to step up as the new President, but he knew the real reason.
They had taken him away from the data files, away from the database and away from Sadie. His new apartment a non-negotiable bonus as well as the 24-hour security monitoring that came along with it. He was now sitting on the committee table, with the other heads of sectors surrounding him, his mother opposite him. There was no escape.
But he was in their game now and determined to play it.
The meeting was wrapped up with smiles and hand-shakes, his mothers hand holding him back as he went to make his escape.
"One moment please Bellamy." Her stern voice keeping him rooted to the ground as he clenched his teeth and turned to face her.
"Mother?" Wiping the scowl of his face with the palm of his hand he smiled a tight smile.
"I am glad to see you are complying with your new role's requirements, though perhaps in future meetings you could engage a little more? I understand your distracted, but it honestly won't do. Perhaps if you get a little more involved with how this society works you'll understand why we do what we do.'
Why he had thought she would say anything other than her disappointment to his behaviour, past and present, was beyond him. He had learnt by now to never get his hopes up.
"You know as well as I do that what happened is life changing, for me, her and our societies understanding of science. I cannot forget about her while you continue to force me into meetings about budgets and targets that hold no relevant knowledge or significance to my life." He replied through gritted teeth, the façade he used to hold- the well behaved and dutiful son- no longer existed.
"You will be dutiful to remember that... Pippa..." She contorted her name through her lips as though it left a disgusting taste in her mouth. "-Is under my care. If you refuse to comply, that is where she will remain." Her voice lowered, eyes glaring, holding her threat before she stepped back, took a deep breath a sickly smile back gracing her lips.
"So lovely to see you my darling son, your father is so busy right now with all the preparation for his inauguration ceremony. He is looking forward to telling you all about his plans over Dinner on your day off." She opened the door with a flick of her wrist and sauntered out, sending small waves and smiles to the people she passed as she headed to her waiting car, not giving him a second glance.
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