8- Draconian Part 2

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Note: I realized about two seconds ago that I should fix this so I'm officially changing Harrys to Alex bc that's his name.

Alex's POV

I felt my face heat up as a blush forced it way onto my face. "W-wha-at" I tried to stutter out covering my flaming cheeks. Mother laughed and placed his mug down placing on his mask of seriousness although his amusement showed in his eyes.

"Who's the lucky guy?" My face paled the blush completely gone.

"How did you know?" I gasped at him confused because I had not told anyone of my true sexuality.

"Call it mother's intuition" he said and smirked at my reaction. "Come on. Spill."

"I'm not sure exactly..." I said this slowly, truly not understanding why Sev thought I found my mate.

"What do you mean?" I sighed and covered my eyes with my hands thankful that I now didn't need my horrid glasses.

"How do you know if someone is your mate?" Mother smirked and crossed his hands thinking of a response.

"Well..." he started off slowly still thinking but coming to a decision. "A lot of veelas grow up with their mates from birth, but you're slightly different so it's harder. The first way of knowing is their eyes. They make can you flustered and blush horridly with just one glance. Also their touch. A touch from your mate would feel like sparks flying through your body and would make you weak in the knees. The most important thing is their smell. Their scent is the most calming and pleasant thing to you." I listened closely as he said this watching as his eyes got a dreamy look in them.

"You're thinking of dad aren't you" I whispered this hoping to not break his tranquil state but he only smiled dreamily at me and nodded his head. He shook his head after a few seconds then turned back to me.

"Well. Another obvious thing is the dreams you have about them around the time of your inheritance. They can range from really sweet to really sexual depending on how strong the bond is. Do you know anyone that fits this description?" My face heated up again thinking about the dream with-. I stopped thinking and my eyes widened. Draco. I heard Severus chuckle and then get up to leave.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts then."
I stared at my cup of tea suddenly losing my appetite. Draco Malfoy. Draco freaking Malfoy. This can't be possible. Fate was cruel and I knew that I was screwed. You can't be mates to someone that hates you. I felt tears prick my eyes and soon I was full on sobbing. I fell on the floor and curled up into a ball letting my wings wrap around my trembling body, the pain and fear of rejection taking over my body. I heard footsteps running towards me and felt warm arms wrap around me. I relaxed into the familiar scent and let my mother carry me into a small bedroom whispering words of comfort in my ears. He gently placed me on the bed and wrapped his wings around me offering more comfort. I slowly stopped shaking and let my submissive take over before falling unconscious.


I woke up again alone in the same room. It was dark and quiet showing but a quick tempus showed me that it was still morning. I rubbed sleep from my eyes then took notice of my surroundings. I was in a private room inside mothers quarters but the originally empty room had been changed. The room that was originally empty and completely white but now it was a beautiful emerald green. All of my belongings had been placed neatly around the room in a similar fashion to how it was in my original Gryffindor room. A note sat on my desk along with my school notes and a pass from Severus. I picked up the note smiling at the lingering scent of my mother as comfort washed over me.


I've left to go teach classes by the time you read this and if my assumptions are correct you discovered your mate. I don't know specifics and I would love it if you would inform me this afternoon. Eat something then head to your classes if you wake up before the end of the day. Your belongings have also been transferred into your room here after talking with Albus. I used the excuse that Toms visons are occurring more frequently and you need to continue occlumency under my supervision. You can inform your friends later today. Tom has left for the day but he'll be back later tonight after dinner to speak with you also.
With love ,

I smiled at the note before grabbing my bag and placing the books in it. When everything was ready I waved my hand using wandless magic to cleanse and dress me and walked out to the kitchen. I waved my hand again and summoned tea and a sandwich before placing my bag beside me and taking a moment to enjoy the silence surrounding me. I extended my magic and used it to get a feel of what was around. Only one person was wandering the halls, everyone else was in the great hall enjoying their lunch. The magical signature felt familiar but I brushed off the thought and got up after clearing my plate. I replaced my glamour before stepping out of my parents rooms.

I silently closed the portrait knowing that someone was still in these halls and began to walk to my next class. I only stopped when I heard a voice call out.

" Oi!" I froze realizing how I recognized the magical signature. Just my luck.

"Potter! What the bloody hell are you doing down in the dungeons?" He sounded more surprised than angry and patiently stood waiting for a response. I slowly turned not wanting to respond but stopped when a strong smell flooded my senses. Vanilla I thought to myself my knees already becoming weak. I looked him in the eyes and smirked as he also had a calm expression on his face clearly my scent overpowering his own senses. He took a step towards me his eyes becoming red and I froze. "Harry?" My eyes widened at the use of my adopted name instead of the usual 'Potter'. I turned and fled knowing that if I stayed any longer I'd be rejected. I kept running until I bumped into someone but I immediately knew who it was by the lack of scuffs on the shiny black leather dress shoes. I looked up truly scared for the first time in my life.

(Edited 8/3/18)

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