9- Rejection or Acceptance

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Draco's POV

I stepped closer to the frozen boy on the ground in front of me. I smelt him all around me the overpowering scent of rain flooded my senses. I snapped out of my stupor and reached down to help the small boy up. "If I didn't know better Potter I'd say that you'd have just fallen for me but of course you're tied down to that she weasel." I smirked trying to put venom into my words instead of jealousy. The boy snorted and released my hand brushing off his robes.

"You obviously haven't been listening to the most recent gossip." I stared at him for a moment and raised one of my eyebrows expecting an answer. " We broke up over the summer." My mouth fell open before falling I to my signature Malfoy smirk.

"Wow. Her mother must be furious knowing that her daughter won't be married to the Famous Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. What a shame." I watched as the expressions on his face changed from disgust to sadness. My eyes widened as a small tear rolled down the side of his face and he wiped away another. I stood there not knowing what to do for a moment then acted on my veela senses placing my hand on the shoulder of the small boy. He curled up into a ball sobbing loudly and I looked around in confusion. My veela instincts were going crazy trying to comfort the boy below me but I held back knowing that I'd get rejected by the boy below me. Eventually I gave into my instincts and bent down on one knee coming eye level with the boy and placed my other hand on his shoulder gently shaking him.

"Pot-Harry I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." I spoke quietly hoping to not scare off the boy below me but he continued to sob only quieting when my hand was placed on his shoulder. I glanced at the boy taking in his appearance. His unruly dark hair covered his now red and tearstained eyes and the scar that covered his forehead. His glasses had fallen to the ground moments earlier and I reached for those next placing them in his hands that I had pried from his eyes. He seemed small and scrawny despite all of the exercise I knew he had done for the quidditch season but all in all he was quite beautiful.

No one but Severus and my parents knew about my crush on said boy and as soon as his eyes opened I felt myself falling for him once more. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts just as footsteps came walking slowly down the hall. I glanced up and was surprised to see Severus, his robes flowing behind him like a cape. Severus stopped upon seeing us and his eyes widened before he walked towards us slowing when he reached Harry.

"What happened to him?" I shrugged my shoulders only receiving a glare from his direction. He crouched down and took the glasses from his hands and placed them into his robes before wiping away the tears from his eyes. "What happened," he asked quietly directing the question at the sobbing boy. When he didn't receive and answer he got up and looked at me before coming to a conclusion in his mind. "Mr.Malfoy please pick him up and bring him to my chambers. Now." I looked wide eyed at the professor before gently picking up him from off the ground. Harry stiffened before relaxing into my arms and snuggling into my chest his sobs completely stopping. Severus smirked at the sight before leading me down to his rooms and into a small bedroom with green walls. The room was tastefully set up but it didn't take an idiot to realize that this was Harry's room. My eyebrows raised as I placed him down on the neatly made bed. He clung to me forcing me to sit down on the bed with him. I glanced up and saw the amusement in my godfathers eyes before he opened his mouth to answer my unspoken question.

"This is his room as you can tell but it's his choice to explain everything to you." He turned to walk out of the room before turning to say one last thing to me. "Don't hurt my son." I stared at his retreating figure before stopping to think about what he said. Son? I glanced at Harry and shook my head in confusion noticing that he did not look anything like Severus. I continued to watch his face until my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep next to him, unknowingly pulling him closer to me.


When I woke up I saw Harry still snuggled into my side but his eyes were open, sleepily watching my face. I sat there mesmerized as we both watched each other not wanting to break the peaceful silence but of course all good things come to an end. As I reached my hand out to touch his face his door was opened and I retracted my hand as uncle Severus walked in a tray of food floating after him. Harry say up and smiled at him before quietly thanking him before promptly shooing him out. Harry laughed at the look on my face and snapped his fingers calling the food to him and offering me one of the plates. I took it and ate my share sending a grateful look to him. When we both finished and he snapped his fingers making the plates vanish as I watched in wonder. I didn't know that he could do wandless magic.

"What's going on harry?"

"Ummmmm.. I don't know where to start." Harry twiddled his thumbs and a blush appeared on his face. He looks really cute like that. I blushed as he turned his face towards me a question obviously on the tip of his lips. "Draco why did you help me?"

"I just.. my instincts told me to." He looked disappointed at my response but quickly covered it by looking down at his hands. "Also I like you Harry, I've had a crush on you for forever." He blushed and leaned his head onto my shoulder.

"Oh. Okay um. I guess I'll start from the beginning. This summer I came into my inheritance and a lot of things changed. I found out that my parents weren't Lily and James and that I had been lied to for most of my life." I gasped at the new information then quickly asked another question.

"Severus is your father? Who is your mother? And why don't you look like Severus?" Harry laughed lightly and then giggled at my facial expression.

"Severus is not my father and I do look quite like him without the glamour." He continued to giggle hugging his sides and enjoying this. I raised an eyebrow and he giggled lightly at my expression before snapping his fingers and muttering a spell. His glamours dropped and I took a few seconds to look at the completely different boy who sat next to me. His unruly hair became silky and straight coming down to cover his now hazel eyes with hints of red. His body gained more mass and his hips now had a more feminine curve along with his now longer eyelashes. I now realized that he did not have glasses on and it gave me more chances to see the beauty that is Harry Potter.

"Severus is my mother. He birthed me." I blushed at his phrasing causing him to continue to giggle clutching his sides with his slender hands. He really does look like Severus.

"Then who-." I stopped knowing the answer to my own question. "Uncle Tom." He nodded his head then leaned back sighing. "What creature are you?"

"A submissive Veela." He tucked a strand of hair behind his head and sat their quietly waiting while I pieced together everything.

"Oh" I said quietly a fierce blush covering my face once more. He got up off the bed and walked to my side reaching out a hand towards me.

"Let's go blushing beauty mother and father are probably waiting for us." This caused me to blush more and allow him to lead me to the door. "Draco wait, do you reject or accept me as your mate?" He stood there waiting for my reaction. He stiffened when I walked closer to him and placed a kiss on his cheek causing him to blush.

"I accept."

(Edited 8/3/18)

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