21-He Can What?

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Alex's POV

I wandered down the halls of hogwarts after Draco had left to go to hogsmead with Pansy and Blaise. I worked my way to the Slytherin dormitories preferring to go there than deal with the Gryffindors. My sketchbook was tucked under my arm and a muggle pencil was strapped to the side of it. No one was in the common room so I made my way to one of window seats. The window had a view of the bottom of the lake and I could see a few creatures swimming around. I placed my sketchbook and bag onto the seat then raced upstairs to Draco's room stealing one of the blankets off of his bed and a pillow. I shook my head in amusement at realizing that the pillow case and blanket were both, big surprise, satin. When I made my way back downstairs and settled back into my seat I began to contemplate what exactly I should draw. I flipped through old drawings that I had done smiling at the portraits of Draco. Draco sleeping, laughing, flying, brewing, and mostly just being Draco. I traced my finger lightly over a sketch of Draco laughing and then turned the page to the image of my parents curled up on each other that I drew the night that we had all had dinner as a family. Immediately I was struck with an idea and began to sketch, the graphite pencil scratching onto the paper of the sketchbook.

I ended up sketching the entire image before I heard sounds of the Slytherins returning and I quickly shut the book before shoving it into my bag and pulling out a quill and textbook. I opened the book and pretended to be working on homework for potions. Draco was the first to walk through the door and his yes lit up when they landed on my figure on the window seat. "Al!" He quickly walked over to me almost tripping over a carpet causing me to laugh. He pulled me into a deep kiss twirling strands of my hair in his hands. He pulled away when he heard a 'get a room!' from one of the Slytherins who was entering the common room. "How was your day? No one gave you any trouble right? I missed you so much!" I laughed and placed a kiss on his lips causing him to pause his questions for a second, long enough for me to pull him down and allow him to curl next to me. Draco began to tell me about his day pulling me into a quiet slumber.

Draco's POV

I watched as Alex fell asleep in my arms shaking my head in amusement. This wasn't the first time he had done this and it probably wouldn't be the last. I wrapped the blanket around him and picked him up smiling faintly as he snuggled into me. One of the Slytherin girls took a picture of us earning a glare from my direction as I carried him up the stairs and into my dormitory. I placed him onto the bed and made sure he was comfortable laughing at the small whine he gave upon me releasing him onto the mattress. I left him there and closed the door behind me before going back down to the window seat where his bag lay on the ground. I realized I must have knocked it over when picking him up and crouched down to pick up all of the lose pieces of parchment that had fallen. A bound book lay open with small doodles falling out of it lay a few steps away and I walked over to it his bag in hand. Upon picking it up a drawing fell out.

It was of me laughing while looking out the astronomy tower from the night that I took Alex on a picnic to look at the stars.


"Look al, that's my star!" Alex stared at me skeptically with an eyebrow raised in amusement. "Draconian, and that ones the Dog Star! It's named after your adopted godfather!" Alex continued to look at me teasing me and calling me a star nerd every time I explained something new about a different star. We spent the whole night laughing and giggling over my extended knowledge of stars.

"I never realized that he could draw," a voice drew me out of my thoughts and I smiled at the picture before opening the book and placing the paper gently into it. I flipped a few more pages coming face to face with images of myself, Severus, Tom and other people who I knew went to hogwarts or were related to Alex. I closed the book after running my fingers over the cover 'property of Alexander Thomas Riddle-Snape or Harry James Potter.' I placed the book into his bag and placed the bag over my shoulder bidding goodbye to Pansy who was still looking over my shoulder in awe at the drawings. I went into our room and placed the bag onto his desk and then sat at my own summoning a cup of coffee and begging to plot out exactly what I would get my love for the upcoming Christmas holiday. I spent the rest of the night sending out owls to the appropriate stores. When I finished I sat back in my chair and looked over Alex who was sleeping peacefully, snoring lightly. I closed the window and changed into my nightclothes then curled up next to him pulling him on top of myself and fell into a deep sleep after setting an alarm for a few minutes before dinner.

Short filler chapter because I'm currently taking finals but I am almost done. I've got 6/8 finals done and until June 27th that's my main priority. I do love reading your comments on the previous chapters and I know what story I'm writing this summer is going to be about so thank you guys for the comments! Another chapter coming out by July .

(Edited 8/9/18)

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