Chapter 3 - Les I'm Miserable

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"No thanks, I'm good," I reply hastily scooting to the side, as he continues on his path towards me.

"Darling Elle, you don't have any other options."

My back hits the wall, I'm trapped and he knows it. I let out a breath, "fine, what's the game?"

"Hide and seek."

I chuckle, nervously, "you want to play Hide and seek."

"That's what I said. Let me explain. I'm going to hide your friend over there in this castle. If you find him within 2 hours you're free to leave."

"I'll give you hints if you need them but with a price, of course," he smirks.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" He grins giving me the only answer I need, "then let the game begin," I announce.

Without a second to spare, he uses his speed to disappear out of the room with Eli and return. "Your time starts now."

Not wasting another moment, I jump up and head towards the door, "Elle," he calls before I reach the exit. "Call my name if you need that hint."

"Yeah right, asshole." I turn back to the door and leave.
Alright so I believe it's been about an hour and a half, I'm absolutely lost in this labyrinth of halls and there are guards crawling around every corner. He wasn't lying when he said he's a prince and this is a castle.

I tried to locate Eli with a spell but something is blocking it. That asshole must have some sort of counter rune, that is the cause of stopping my magic.

On the bright side, I found a disguise that will help me blend in better. I knocked out a maid and stole her clothes, she's tied up in a cleaning closet of sorts. I don't know any incantations to disguise myself and this was the next best thing, so don't judge me.

Turning into another hallway, identical to the last I give up. I'm officially exhausted and have nothing left to do but call that douche for my hint. I check my surroundings to make sure that I'm alone before I call him.

"Asher," I whisper, "I need my hint, please," I add.

"Ask and you shall receive," I jump at the sound of his voice. Yelping in surprise as my heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest. Placing a hand over my heart, I use the other to hit his arm.

"What the heck, are you trying to give me a heart attack," I whisper-shout.

"No, I was just announcing my arrival, I had to make sure that you knew I was here," he says innocently. "By the way, you look lovely in this outfit."

"Yeah right, give me my hint," I say expectedly.

"Give me a kiss," he smiles.

I roll my eyes, you've got to be kidding, "no I'm not kissing you," I object.

"Fine, would you prefer to stay in my room or would you prefer your own?" He asks, blinking innocently.

I stare at him in disbelief, he's not kidding.

"Tick-tock," he says. Asshole.

Staring up at him, I push myself, come on you've got this, just one little kiss then you can go rinse your mouth out with all the soap you want.

Without allowing myself to dwell too long, I grab Asher's collar and pull him down to me, his eyes widen as I force a quick kiss on his lips. Before I can pull away, he pushes me against a wall and deepens the kiss.

For a moment, I forget about the game, closing my eyes, I let Asher's lips send tingles down my spine and cause a sea of butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I get lost in his soft kisses and bring my hands up to caress his hair, as the feeling of being on cloud-nine takes over.

I hate to admit it but he is perfection, with his oddly silky hair and charming brown eyes, so what if he's a vampire.

But don't tell him I said that.

He pulls away, adoring eyes watching me, I stare back dazed, feeling a blush creep up my neck. I think I'm falling for him, or maybe that's just the mate bond talking.

Asher's head snaps left then right, "seems like Eli is causing more trouble than he's worth."

"What?" I say not very sure about what was happening, everything felt unreal like I was in a haze.

"Follow them," he whispers before disappearing in a flash.

Suddenly two guards sprint around the corner, I bow my head at them, keeping myself out of their way.

Am I meant to follow them? Well, there is no one else around so I guess I should.

I follow the guards and watch as they rush, head first, into a ballroom. Slowly, I peer around the doorway to see the guards lying face down in a pool of blood with others dead near them. In the middle of the room, stood the killer.

The figure, in a low stance with a blade in hand, turns its body in both directions examining the room for any other opposing threats. As they face the doorway, I tuck myself further into the frame to avoid being seen. Before the figure turns back around I catch a glimpse of their face. Eli?!

I run into the room, ready to embrace him in a hug but upon hearing rapid footsteps, Eli quickly spins on his heel, with his blade, ready to strike.

He breathes out in relief, "Elle, it's only you," he lowers his weapon.

Without missing a beat, I snatch the knife from his hold and push it to his throat.

"Don't move," I warn.
What's going to happen next? Why is Elle got a knife to Eli's throat? Will we ever find out?!

Thank you for all the reads and votes, 45 in beloved!!

Chapter 4 will be out next week!

Enami out ;-)

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