Chapter 2 - Cupid Screwed Up

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I twist my body around and jump backwards, studying the man in front of me, he looks to be around my age, tall with ebony hair that falls just above his eyes.

Eyes, his eyes are beautiful, two chocolate orbs, focus Elle! Yes right, what is he doing here and why is he so close to me?

By the time I had studied him, he had slowly backed me against a wall. His eyes bore into mine and I could feel his warm breath fanning me, my heartbeat increased, is it getting hot in here? I watched as his eyes shifted, from the chocolate to black. I let out a quiet gasp, what was that?

"Beloved," he whispers, slowly he bringing his face closer to mine.

Without a second thought, my hands go to his chest, "Woah, buddy, stop." I push him backwards, "what do you think you're doing?"

He stares at me, his eyes returning to their original colour and a smile playing on his lips, "I thought it was pretty obvious, I was going to kiss you."

"Kiss me," I repeat humourlessly. "Yeah, I don't think so buddy."

Who does he think he is?

He doesn't seem like a threat, that's for sure, just some big dummy. Yet I can't shake the odd feeling of warmth he imposes. Ignoring him, I return to the door.

Again, listening for any sounds. But hear nothing, no footsteps, nor the creaking of floorboards. Nothing, where is that she-devil?

"I have a name, you know, and it's definitely not Buddy." He speaks unexpectedly and I yelp in surprise making him laugh. Once more he inches closer, this time trapping me; with his arms. My heartbeat increases, again, as I meet his gaze.

I shoot him a look of annoyance as he smiles at me. A name he says, the only name I can think of for him is Asshole.

Suddenly a scream echoes through the building. Eli! I duck out of his hold and bolt out the room without looking back. Screw him, Eli needs help.

I look left then right before the scream erupts again, but it's not Eli's.

Left. Back where I last saw that vampire. I sprint to where I had first encountered her to see Eli standing over a pile of ashes.

He spots me, "and finally you arrive, too late though. I already killed our target," he says grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Sorry, Eli." I apologize.

"It's fine, Elle. Anyway, we can leave now-" Eli stops speaking, his eyes trained on something behind me. He shifts his position, quickly, into a fighting stance.

Whatever he was staring at definitely wasn't something I should be near, I get ready to bolt towards Eli but before I can, my waist is greeted by a firm grip.

"Get off," I elbow the attacker and try to twist my body out of its grip. I manage to turn my body to face my attacker. It was Mister Asshole, himself.

"Oh hi," I say smiling at him. Elle, what are you doing?! Ok, I admit it may not be the smartest idea to smile and act all cutesy to some stranger but he seems different, I feel safe with him like he's someone I already know?

Suddenly a tiny whooshing sound can be heard followed by a loud thump. I crane my head to see Eli unconscious with a tiny dart in the side of his neck. Oh, that isn't good.

"Sorry beloved," whispers his velvety voice.

Slowly everything goes fuzzy and my thoughts become watery. Why does my arm hurt? I turn to my arm to see a dart similar to the one Eli got hit by.

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