Chapter 19 - Putting The Pieces Together

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Finally we got to the car no thank from Eli, leaving his room, hair disheveled and clothes a mess.

Seeing him I replied, "and he finally arrives."

Laughing he nudges me and we make our way to the lobby and then into the car.

"So where exactly are we headed?" Eli asks.

"To see Dean and pick up a dress for the coronation," I answer, Eli's face lights up.

"The coronation is so close, you're going to look beautiful," he gushes then begins to ramble about dresses, hair and makeup, for myself and how he was excited to see both, Ash and me, crowned.

I thought about the dresses too, then of Dean, the nostalgic feeling that I had once seen his neat slick back hair before or his dark shining eyes.

I pulled the picture from my pocket, holy hell, it was Dean!

The man in the picture, surrounded by an wicked aura, how could this guy be the same as the man I knew as Dean.

The Dean I knew wasn't evil, an evil genius when it came to fashion but not cruel.

But I couldn't deny the identical elements they both shared, studying the picture again everything about man seemed clearer, I now had no doubt that this is Dean. This picture must have been taken almost 20 years ago so I then questioned how he hadn't aged and still looked youthful.

A unsettling feeling sat in the pit of my stomach, something didn't add up and I am determined to find out what.
Arriving promptly, the chauffeur politely opens my door, offering a hand, which I take, he helps me out of the vehicle.

Eli follows behind, still animately speaking, Happy to see him in a lively state, I keep quiet about my thoughts.

However sensing a change in my demeanour, he stops speaking then asks, "what's the matter? Elle?" He nudges me, pulled from my thoughts I look up.

"Huh," I blink at him, "oh uh, I'm just a little nervous, the crowning and all, the vampires, pure-bloods, royals - oh and more Nightshades, not to mention the Julia's half of the family too the Irises," I babble, listing names.

He scoffs, "so a little nervous."

"Yeah," I laugh.

"Well," Eli breathes stepping in front of me forcing my gaze to his own, "seeing as Ash is still alive and as the rest of the vampires at the castle are too, I think that it's safe to assume that the pure blooded royals will be unharmed by the wrath of Elouise Nightshade."

Hearing his words, I feel the weight on my chest lift. That's right, I'm Elouise Nightshade a force to be reckoned with and I can control my powers. Letting out a breath, my form relaxes.

Eli throws his arm around me, "now it's time to get your dress and get back to Ash."

Although it was an excuse from my thoughts, the worry of being surrounded by so many powerful beings do scare me but I feel reassured by Eli's trust in them and in me.

Letting out a giggle I agree with him, "Yeah, let's get my dress," and maybe some answers too.

We walk into the store walking up to the front desk, "hello, I'm here to pick up a dress," I tell the lady behind the counter.

"Yes of course, can I have your name please," the curly haired girl asks who name tag reads Charlie.

"Elouise Nightshade," I say my words laced with clear confusion, unsure if that's the right name, maybe I was meant to give Julia's.

Her figure straightens as her doe eyes widen, "oh, I'm so sorry your highness, I was told you'd be here later. Right this way," she says, face tinted pink with embarrassment, leading us towards a private room.

The room was painted a cream colour, a rack on the back wall with three dresses hanging on it. Opposite, a large mirror mounted to the wall, one corner of the room sectioned off with a curtain, and pressed up the remaining wall was a sofa.

"Here are your dresses, all are custom made to compliment you," skilfully Charlie pulls then from the rack and we follow her back out to the front. Removing the hangers, she folds the dresses and placed them all into separate boxes, she then pulls out a marker and writes something on each box after looking at a sheet of paper. Wrapping them up and stacking it into a bag she pushes it towards us.

Eli grabs it, holding it at his side, the girl says, "each box is labelled for your ease, I hope to see you soon your highness."

"Eli can you wait for me by the car I have some business to finish before we leave," I ask Eli.

"Yeah sure, I'll take these with me," he replies lifting the bag slightly, smiling he leaves.

My attention is directed back at to the girl, "Charlie," I say.

"Yes, your highness."

"Please call me Elle,"

"Oh, of course Elle, what can I do for you?" She asks.

"Could I speak to Dean?"

I notice a change in the atmosphere as the words left my mouth, Charlie's doe eyes become empty and her expression robotic, "he's not here right now," she hesitates then finishes, "he is on holiday."

"Alright, thank you for your help, Charlie," I say warily.

The atmosphere drops and Charlie's expression seems more like her own but exhaustion washes over her features.

The hum of magic that suddenly appeared at went with the change of atmosphere meant that a demon had spelled her.

"No problem," she returns with a tired smile, but I wasn't listening to her instead my focus zoned in on her thoughts, 'Trust me baby, J'

Tears began to well in my eyes, I quickly swiped them away. The message filled with such sorrow was spoken by a melodious voice that sounded so familiar. The frustration clawing at me, this message was left by the same person as the one on the picture.

The voice replaying in my head, a female voice. Something in my head clicked, this person, J, had to be the woman in the photos. I was certain of it.

Now to just figure out who she is.
Ooo she's a step closer to finding out who J is, and why her name was on the picture, plus why James had the message.

The story is getting juicy ay, ahh I can't wait to finish it and then refine it so everything is less cringey and more focused on the plot.

Lol a little dumb but I didn't really now what direction to take the story in when I started which is kinda obvious but now it has a direction and actual plot.

Let's hope it goes well ahah

See y'all soon, maybe.

Enami out ;-)

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