Chapter 8 - Date Night Prep

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"That's great!" I cheer, throwing myself at Eli for a hug. "I'm glad you decided to stay, thank you. I think I'd lose my mind without you," I murmur against his shoulder, stepping back.

I think back to what I said earlier, me as queen. Never would I have ever thought that I would be a queen, regardless I'm going to need support, Eli's going to be a great help.

Eli's voice pulls me from my thoughts, "not everything is about you, but I'm happy to be of service," he jokes with a smile, I return a smile back playfully pushing his backwards.

My attention turns to Ash as he speaks to me, "I have a few things to discuss with Clyde and Eli, in the meantime you should get ready for dinner tonight," he stops then adds, "I have a surprise for you so be ready by 6," he finishes placing a kiss on my cheek.

Clyde takes Eli by the hand and whispers something into his ear, he blushes slightly then looks over at me, he mouths the word, "date."

I smile at him and mouth back, "good luck." After that everyone leaves and I'm left alone. Checking the clock I see it's about half 4, I guess I should start with a shower, then worry about everything else.

I see a white door and assume it's the bathroom. Peering inside the room my assumption is confirmed when I see a large shower, a bathtub beside it, duo sinks decorated with toiletries and a toilet.

Closing the door and locking it, we don't want any awkward interaction, especially one where I'm naked. After stripping off my clothes, I turn on the shower and complete a simple routine with whatever I can find.

Ringing out the excess water from my hair, I exit the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me. Making my way to the sink I notice a small basket filled with feminine products and extra toiletries. Picking up an unopened toothbrush I use it, then wash my face with a cleanser.

A soft knock at the door takes me by surprise, it's followed by a clear but timid voice, "Miss, I was sent to help you prepare for tonight. I brought up a few garments for you and if you'd like I could do your hair and makeup."

I tighten the towel around me and open the door, "thank you and I would love that," I smile, stepping out. The maid looked to be in the late 20s, she stood a little taller than me with a basket of items in her hand, inside articles of clothing folded neatly.

"Right this way, Miss," she guides me to another door in the room, one I have yet to have been through. The maid stops by the open entrance, I enter before her quickly realising it's a walk-in wardrobe.

"Oh, let me take these from you," I say flustered I hadn't done so sooner, taking the basket from her arms I apologise, "sorry..." I drag on not knowing her name.

Her green eyes widen as she realises my prompt, "Jennie, Miss."

"Thank you, Jennie, and please feel free to call me Elle," I smile at her, she gives me a small nod, before bowing her head and stepping away.

Closing the door, I turn back to the closet, staring at the array of colourful pieces. One wall was covered in suits, it's neighbour adorned with shoes and watches. The next was double the size with regular men's clothing from a simple pair of slides to a dark navy sweater to grey sweats, "damn," I breathe.

However another section of the walls had been cleared out and bore nothing but empty shelves, walking towards it I could clearly see a note, "Elle's side." He's so sweet, I smile to myself. I can't believe he's already done this for me.

Finally, I dump the items, from the basket, onto a couch, pushed against the back wall of the room. Examining each piece, I notice they are all my size, I pick out an elegant short cream dress with slightly darker lace sleeves, as well as a pair of undies, including a similar coloured nude bra.

After changing and patting my hair with the towel, I walk out, towards Jennie. She stares at me, a few products for hair and makeup laid out on top of the vanity.

"Please sit," she says softly gesturing to the seat, to which I listen.

Sitting down, I blink at my reflection in the mirror. Jennie began by spraying a heat protector and adding some hair oil to prevent frizz, she then picked up a hair curler and starts to curl my dead-straight hair into nice flounces that sit below my shoulders.

After finishing my hair with a dense layer of hairspray, she puts on some light makeup. Concealer to hide any imperfections, mascara on my lashes, a little bit of highlight and blush, finished with a thin layer of lipgloss.

"All done, Elle," she smiles at me. I stare at the girl in the mirror, she looks beautiful.

I'm hardly ever in elegant clothes, usually mission outfits and tight ponytails. Although I must admit to crashing college parties with Eli, they were mainly short skirts and blurry drunk nights.

Jennie lays a pair of classy kitty heels in front of me, "I figured you'd need a pair of shoes," she says.

I give her a smile and then a hug, "thank you so much, plus you made a good choice, I'm not the best in high heels so these will be perfect."

Slipping on the heels I walk around breaking them in, tripping on nothing but air. I flail about, my arms in the air, then fall back onto my butt.

I look towards Jennie, who is giggling lightly at my fall, I begin to laugh as well, picking myself up, "still not the best," I confirm with a cheesy smile.

"I'll be leaving now, I've left the makeup for you and Prince Asher will probably have someone bring up the rest of your clothes later. If you need me, I'll be in my quarters. Enjoy the rest of your day Elle." She says, bowing then heading to the door.

"Bye Jennie."

She lingers for a moment her smile faltering. Quickly, she dips her head into a final bow before disappearing out the door.

After she leaves a knock comes from the door. The sudden noise catching me off guard.

Opening the door, I see Ash, wearing a black tux which, let me tell you now, made him look absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. "Hi," I blurt a little bit nervous.

"Hello," he grins leaning, partially, against the door frame, "these are for you," he says handing me a bouquet of white lilies.

Taking it from him, I inhale its sweet fragrance; I love lilies. "Thank you," I give him a chaste kiss on the cheek and place the flowers away on the vanity.

As I walk back towards him, he holds out his hand, "if I may?" He asks.

I place my hand in his, "you may," I smile, answering his question, and with that, he leads me towards his surprise for me.
This chapter is only the introduction to the surprise so a filler really. Sorry! Hopefully, next weeks' chapter will make up for it ;-)

Thank you, again, for all the votes, reads, and comments. I love you all!!

Update out next week.

Enami out ;-)

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