Chapter 9 - Suprise!

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We saunter through the castle, on carpeted cobblestone, my hand in his. I don't know where we're going or what the surprise is, and Ash, here, refuses to let anything slip. I can't read his mind either, he's done some Houdini magic to stop me from reading it. Maybe it's some sort of mental barrier to block me, I should try it out sometime.

I conclude that the surprise must be very important to Ash, especially, if he's trying this hard to keep it secret. "Are you sure that you're leading us to a surprise, for all I know you could be planning to take me to a secluded part of the castle and kill me," I joke, breaking our silence.

Ash turns his head towards me with a surprised look and chuckles, "Elle you are, most certainly, one of the most bizarre people I know."

"I'm taking that as a compliment so thank you," I smile, looking out to my left through the windows watching the sun lazily set, the vibrant red and oranges melting into the sky.

"You are very welcome," he smiles back, love gleaming in his chestnut-brown eyes.

As we reach our destination, Ash stops us facing a door, a gasp escaping my lips. The doors are a dark oak covered in gold ornaments; shaped in beautiful and intricate patterns.

"Love, this isn't your surprise," he laughs with a grin stretching ear to ear.

I smile in return, excited and slightly nervous, I'm not a fan of surprises but I'm sure this one will be great. He steps towards me, leaning down, he gently speaks, "I need you to follow the lights." He takes a step back then disappears, jumping through a window, classy, I laugh. I assume this is still apart of his surprise and to go along with it.

Placing my hands on the cold handle I tug the doors open, past the beauty of the doors lay nothing. Like, literally, it's pitch black, I can't see anything and, now, it's very cold; the doors must have opened up to the outside.

Stepping into the dark abyss, I notice the moon beginning to rise along with a few stars beginning to shine. My warm breaths creating faint clouds in the air as I timidly step further into the darkness.

Suddenly, a click sounds, followed by a string of fairy lights beginning to glow. To my right and left appeared to be a maze of bushes, lined with tiny orbs of light: that came to life as I walk down the cobblestone path leading deeper into the labyrinth.

"Follow the lights," his voice echoes through my head. Smiling, I laugh, how long did this take him? The thought causes the smile on my face to grow, I can't believe he did this for me.

I think I really love him. Keeping a slow pace, I savour every moment. Gazing at all the twinkling lights, I exhale in awe, they're beautiful.

The lights cut off at the next turn; leading into darkness. Reaching the turn I see a candlelight go out.

I gasp as the darkness is illuminated by hundreds of more white lights. Wrapped around in glowing gems, in the centre of the maze, stood a luminescent tree.

Overwhelmed at the beauty of the sight, I stop taking it all in. My eyes then fall on Asher, a captivating smile on his face, by the base of the tree.

Bouncing towards him in excitement, "this is amazing!" I gush, engulfing him in a hug, "thank you."

"It's not over yet," he says kissing my cheek, then pulling away. Taking a small step back, he holds my hand then gently kneels down on one knee.

"Elouise," he starts, "I haven't known you for long, hours maybe," I smile, shaking slightly as he continues, "but I know something about you for sure..."

My other hand comes up to my face over my mouth as he pulls out a ring from his blazer pocket.

"...I definitely, 100%, want to spend the rest of my life with you. This is sudden, I know, but I love you and I promise that I won't ever hurt you. So I ask you, Elle, will you marry me?"

With wide eyes, I was silent, I don't know what to say, I'm ecstatic. My mind floods with thoughts of our future, home, children, lazy mornings together. All with Ash.

I don't care that we haven't known each other for long or that he's a vampire prince or that I'm a demon. Who I care about is Ash.

I tear up, looking down at him, which he returns with a panicked look, Ash proceeds to overthink, rambling.

"Oh, no, you don't want to marry me, that's alright, no pressure. I guess I knew this would happen - I am an ass but I can change, of course. Oh, idiot- she doesn't want you, you're a me-" He begins to pace in his spot.

Stopping him, I palm Ash's face, our lips connect which shuts him up. Meeting my kiss, his hands circle around my waist. Breaking away to catch our breaths, I finally answer "yes, a million times yes, I would love nothing better than to spend the rest of life with you."

His eyes glitter in the lights, "I love you, Elle," he says, taking my hand and sliding the ring down my finger.

"I love you too Ash." He lowers his head down to mine but before anything can happen, we are interrupted.

Someone clears their throat from behind me with a soft, "ahem."

"Yes, what is it?" Ash questions, clearly irritated, that he missed his chance to kiss me again. Smiling, I gently pitch his side for being rude.

"Dinner is about to be served, your presences are requested by the King and Queen," the neatly dressed man informs.

"Thank you, we will be there shortly," he answers. The man, curtly, nods his head, before disappearing.

"We should probably go," I comment, "we don't want to late now do we?"

"Definitely not, so let's go," he laughs, amused, holding his hand out towards me. Hand in hand, our next destination is the dining hall.

I can only hope this dinner goes well, it'll be my first time meeting the King, the leader of all vampires and Ash's father.

I push those thoughts aside and tell myself, that for Ash, I will do my best.

I know this story is going very fast but I don't plan on it being a long story so it's going to be a short one, that's why everything happens very quickly.

And that the surprise, hope it didn't surprise you guys too much, lol it probably didn't.

Also little celebration we got over 160 reads! Whoop! Whoop! Thanks, guys xx

Update out next week.

Enami out ;-)

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