Chapter 25 - We've Already Met

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Well, it is a bit of a damper when the people who you thought, for the majority of your life, were your parents aren't. However, I have, in fact, made it this far without them so who's to say I'll need them.

No need to dwell on that heart-wrenching thought, I bury it in the back of my mind and move on.

Freya decides it is time to take her leave and promptly exits the room as Ash comes in.

"Hello my Sweet," his lips meet mine in a short embrace that doesn't fail to erupt butterflies in my stomach, "I'm really sorry that I'm late but I promise to make it up to you." A cheeky smile stretches across his face so infectious that I smile in return.

"And how do you plan to do that?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

Eyes glimmering with mischief Ash sweeps me up in his arms, "you'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see," he breathes into my ear.

I giggle at his antics as a heat flares replacing the butterflies, "until tomorrow it is," I echo.

"So," I start as Ash places be back onto the ground, I keep my arms around his neck, "when were you going to tell me about the party tonight."

"There's a party tonight?" He teases, forehead pressed against mine and arms secured tightly around my waist.

"Asher," I whine.

"Ok, you got me. There's a party tonight, it's this traditional vampire ceremony, blood, darkness and angst. What's not to love," he explains, humour clear in his tone, "I do hope that you'll join me and make the night bearable."

"I thought you'd never ask," I tilt my head upwards to reach his lips, giving him a quick peck before breaking out of his hold and releasing my own. "I'm going to take a shower before getting ready and no you cannot take one with me, I don't care if it's more time-efficient. Be out in a bit."

"Anything for you my sweet Elouise," he speaks annoyingly, his voice sickly sweet.

"Oh please, you're going to make sick," I fake gag, putting my hands to my stomach and tipping slightly forward for extra effect.

Ignoring my plea to stop, he continues making the smile on my face grow, "no, no it's ok, take your shower, I'll be alright by myself, all alone," he falls on the bed adding to his dramatic flare.

"Well if you insist," I walk into the bathroom, making sure to lock the newly installed door and take a shower.
Finishing blow drying my hair, I decide it's best to put my dress on before anything else. I open the tightly wrapped box labelled 'coronation eve' and pull out the white coloured dress from inside. Plain at first glance but adorned with many features: thin spaghetti straps a tight bodice to accentuate my chest and hips, a pleated skirt with a slit exposing my left leg all the way to mid-thigh.

Slipping into the dress, I pull out a similar pearl coloured heel and carry them out of the closet with me. Ash's gaze travels over my body then to the shoes in my hand, "don't worry about shoes," he says which I return with a confused look, "part of the tradition," he answers.

I throw the heels back into the closet, "vampire traditions are weird, is it also apart of the tradition to wear white?" I ask observing his matching white attire.

"Yep," answers again simply, gaze returning to my body once more.

"I feel like I'm about to be sacrificed, thrown into a volcano to appease some god. So why white? Why not blue or pink?" I question while sitting down at my vanity and start to do my hair.

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