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"Here," Suga said to me, his tone comforting. He handed me a small, paper covered package, just like those you get from the nice butcheries. It smelled sweet and metallic and flashed me back to two nights ago where I had lost control, "You're probably hungry. Next time, let me know if I take too long." Suga looked a little bit sheepish. If I had known he would be supplying food for me, maybe Kaiyo would have lived.

Speaking of that, it had been all over the news.

Reports on the tv had suggested at first that maybe it was a sexual predator who had attacked her. That disgusted me; I would never do that. But still, it begged the question of me. What if I had done that to her? I wouldn't really know, honestly.

Thankfully, though, that theory was debunked when the autopsy had told us that there was ghoul saliva found. I was nicknamed as 'subject 936'. I guess that was a temporary until I did something more distinguishable for them to use as a code name. Honestly, subject 936 wasn't the worst. I'd only hope my code name would end up something cool, at least.

I held the meat in my hand. Who did this belong to? Where was their family now?

I moved my bag closer the the front of me, and slipped it inside with a soft, "Thank you," barely audible as it came off of my lips. I made sure it was tucked away so that it wouldn't be seen by someone just opening my bag. When I looked up, I met the sympathetic brown eyes of Suga gazing at me.

"You don't want to eat now? I'd be starving if I were you," He mentioned. The classroom we were in was empty aside from Kageyama and the two of us. Once in a while, someone would come inside, but most of our class left during lunch time. "We won't judge you, y'know."

I gazed over at Kageyama. He was sitting on the table part of a desk, with his feet on the chair. Suga's dark navy bag was on top of his feet, and he didn't look too thrilled about that. Regardless though, he gave a slight tip of his head as if to agree with Suga. I glanced away; should I tell them about what happened with Kaiyo? Before I could decide, the words were spilling out of my lips and my face was suddenly wet with hot tears.

They stared at me for a moment as I described in what I now believe is too much detail, and then they were surrounding me with both soft embraces and pleas for me to quiet down. I leant into the soft touch of Kageyama, and his comforting scent of dryer sheets and faded cologne.

Suga let go of me, Kageyama remained in the same position. He was wrapped around me fully. Wow, his skin was warm. It felt nice and drew me in even more, like a lost puppy. The silvery haired boy gazed at us silently for a moment, before saying softly, "Hinata, it's okay. Just be more careful, alright? If you're feeling off for whatever reason, let us know."

I nodded my head and I felt Kageyama's tighten on me loosen. He stepped back and moved to where he was previously sitting on the desk top.

"I guess you're full, then. But anyways, just take it home and put it in the freezer in case I can't get you something before you.. Go crazy." There was only a singe of humor in Suga's voice. He was being honest. I nodded quickly to him and gave a weak smile.

Suga turned and glanced at the clock on the wall, which showed the lunch bell was about to ring to signal it was the end of the period. He looked over his shoulder at us and smiled, "Well, see you at practice." Kageyama and I murmured our goodbyes, and Suga left just in time for when the bell rung.

"Hey, do you know how to get blood stains out of a sweater?" I asked Kageyama as we walked down the street back to the house. We passed the Sakanoshita shop, where the rest of the team stopped off to eat. Suga was with them. I don't know how he could stand to eat that with them, even if he throws it up afterwards anyways. Kageyama and I said we had extra homework to do.

My old bicycle was sounding rough as we wheeled down the road; it wouldn't last much longer. Soft clicks set the ambiance around us. After my nice one had been stolen, my mother had continued to procrastinate like she often does and I still was lacking a proper way to get back and forth to school. My mother, of course, had only argued back that I should have came to a closer school. For some reason, she was a lot more on edge lately. I had guessed it was because of Kaiyo's murder. If only she knew that the murderer was her own son.

Kageyama didn't look at me, continuing to pick at his nails, "Bleach didn't work?" I shook my head, and he looked skeptical. "Well, sometimes hydrogen peroxide works well. Oh, and soaking it in vinegar and cold water." It was kind of scary how much he knew about this, but at the same time it only made sense.

I nodded and made a mental note to try that when I got home.

"You're still so clumsy after all of this, dumb-ass? What's with you and not wearing dark clothes whenever there is a threat of blood somewhere, huh?" Kageyama teased. I pouted at his words and shrugged in defense of myself. He was still mean to me, there was no sympathy in his voice.

"It isn't my fault! A lot of my clothes are white," I said, frowning at him, "But, I have it with me. Do you mind helping me?"

Kageyama huffed and nodded, although I saw a hint of a smile on his lips, "Fine, fine."

We fell into silence as we walked back to Kageyama and Suga's house. By the time we had stepped inside, I let out a happy sigh at the warmness of their house enveloping me.

Kageyama paused and dropped his bag at the door, letting out a soft and happy hum. I did the same and crouched down to pull the sweater out of my bag. It was still dirty, the usually soft knit yarn was still covered in splotches of dry, brown blood. Kageyama watched me with a grave expression. He extended his arm out and took my wrist, since my hands were full, and took me into the kitchen. My stomach fluttered at the feeling of his cold hand on my skin.

The kitchen smelled of artificial cookies. I spotted the candle on the counter that gave off the scent after a moment of looking around the place. Kageyama let go of my arm and put the plug in the bottom of the sink before turning on the tap for cold water.

"Could you pass me that?" Kageyama asked, pointing to the counter behind me where a bottle of hydrogen peroxide sat. It was basically empty; that must have been the one that spilled all over the floor a while ago. I nodded and handed it to him. Our eyes met for a fraction of a second before he turned back to the sink and started pouring a little vinegar inside. I walked towards him with the sweater hugged to my chest, missing the feeling of his skin on mine. Quite honestly, Kageyama should be the last thing on my mind, but I couldn't help it.

"Are you sure this works?" I asked skeptically. The idea of putting a sweater into vinegar water didn't seem too sure. Kageyama nodded and glanced at me from the corner of his eye,

"Mm. Trust me," The way the words left his lips were intoxicating, and though it was such a trivial thing I wasn't deterred by his slightly off-putting choice of words. I nodded; it was beyond my power to go against him at that point. Kageyama had me wrapped around his non-human finger. Wrapped around his kagune, I guess.

I put the sweater into the sink and we waited for a few seconds, and while Kageyama kind of stared into space out of boredom I watched the blood stains slowly begin to billow out into the clear solution of water and vinegar. Maybe my mom's sweater would be fine after all. A few moments of silence passed, and it had almost completely vanished. Kageyama picked it up and squeezed the water out like he was wringing out a cloth, glancing back at me.

"See here, the off-white stains still inside?" He asked. I nodded, looking at the sweater which was completely clean, aside from the aforementioned stains on it. "That itself could get the CCG on your trail. The blood is still there in certain lights. So.." He explained, picking up the bottle. He then rubbed in some of it, and then proceeded to rinse it out.

He explained that I needed to put it in the wash once I got home, and that it would be okay after that. I felt very grateful to him, enough that I threw my arms around him and hugged his torso in thanks. His face got red and looked hot, "I-Idiot, it's just so nothing happens to you.." He defended himself. "I'll trust you can do it yourself next time."

I spent some more time with Kageyama after that. We played some video games, and although he acted like he didn't want to, I sensed he was having a good time. I was on the verge of infatuation every time I caught a glance of him gazing at the screen, so focused his eyes were squinted and his tongue was barely poking out of his pink lips. He really wasn't as hard and cold as he always seemed, and somehow it was finding out that he wasn't even human that was showing me that.

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