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"the missing persons investigation has now been closed for sugawara koshi, hinata shouyou, and kageyama tobio. the three boys from up north are presumed to be dead after a ghoul attack. we will keep their family in our prayers tonight, as the memorial for the trio will be help outside of their school."

the three of us sat around a table in the back of the cafe, gazing silently at the tv screen. they flashed a photograph of the team, with everyone's faces blurred out aside from ours.

"yomo, did you figure out what we can do with the papers?" suga asked. his voice was flat, his gaze blank as he looked down at the table. his eyes were so empty. i could tell what happened between us and the team was really affecting him.

"well, we have a phone number. if it's still in service, we can trace it. we also have the address of the hospital you got your... procedure done at." he murmured from the bar. the three of us nodded, almost in unison.

"what's even gonna happen when we find him?" kageyama asked, glancing between suga and i.

i hesitated before speaking, and so suga did for me.

"we kill him?" he said it so nonchalantly, as if it wasn't a human life we were ending. then again, it's not like i was a human anymore. so what should it matter?

"sounds good to me." i murmured. kageyama shot me a look, before nodding.

"what are we waiting for, then?"

"doctor kanou? i'll see if he's in." the secretary said. maybe it was the look in our eyes, or maybe it was the all black and hoods we were wearing, but the petite woman didn't even ask why. she just got up from her rolling chair and turned down a hallway. moments later, she had returned.

"he actually can not speak with you. i do apologize." she looked nervous while she called 'next', seeming to think we would just leave.

kageyama stepped towards her, "where is he? i'm sure he will understand once he sees who we are. he surely would recognize this patient," with a gesture to me, kageyama's voice turned bitter, "it was a large surgery, after all."

the secretary shook her head slightly, "i'm sorry, really.. he says he can't take any patients at the moment." i could sense the anxiety reverberating out from her small frame as she reached up to tuck a few pieces of her thin bangs behind her ear, "come back another time and i'm sure he will gladly meet with you."

it was silent in the room and then the sharp scent of industrial grade disinfectant was tainted with the foul, metallic smell of human blood. screams sounded around the hospital waiting room, and as kageyama retracted his kagune there was a loud crashing sound as the woman's limp body and desk chair fell together onto the ground.

"way to go, you mucked it all up.." suga muttered, backhanding kageyama's head lightly. the sound of all three of our footsteps pierced the air as we ran across the linoleum floor. we ducked down the hallway the receptionist had went down, and there at the end of the hallway was a door marked "kanou". my heart began pumping twice as hard. i'd kill that bastard.

kageyama darted ahead of us, reaching for the handle. he turned it and pushed. nothing. it had been locked from the inside. he tried once to hit the weight of his body against the door, but again nothing. it seemed as if a blanket of rage was draped over at him as he once again exposed his kagune and thrust it through the door. a hole was left in place of the lock, and it fell open without anything to keep it in place.

cold air hit us as we entered the room. the farthest window was wide open and the late autumn wind caused the transparent white curtains to billow gracefully in the room. i stepped over, closer to the low windowsill. it was a small, easy jump to reach the fire escape.

"he fucking got away."

it was silent, and then it wasn't. i heard the distinct sirens of police cars, and i knew it was the ccg. i turned to look behind me at suga and kageyama, who were both frozen in place. they came into view of the window; sleek, black and white, with blaring sirens on the top that got louder and surrounded us more each second.

we couldn't leave the window. there they were, jumping out of the police cars with gray briefcases, flocking towards the building. if they saw us escape out of the windows, they'd surely come after us. we couldn't just surrender, either. so, what was left?

kageyama let out a breath after what seemed for forever. "we turn around and go through another window. problem solved." he said, turning around to briskly walk to the door.

an eerie laugh came from the doorway. it resembled the creak that the mangled door made while falling open. "not so fast."

my heart must have dropped to my stomach. 

suga's voice sounded. he choked out something about regrouping later, and as the ccg officer in the doorway opened his briefcase to reveal a kagune eerily similar to mine, he had dove out the window. kageyama did the same, breaking through the glass behind me.

i felt myself begin to shake as i backed nearer to the window that wasn't surrounded by shards of glass. i didn't know if i trusted my own kagune more to help me fight the officer in front of me or to catch my fall if i jumped. 

this was it. i was alone. i had to fend for myself.

"you're the little one from up north, aren't you?" the officer was closing in on me, stepping closer with each beat of my heart. my breathing increased as i got a good look at him; this man looked like a monster. he has wild black hair, matted in knots, and dead blue eyes. and now, as i felt my kakugan expose itself behind my white eyepatch, he looked me dead into my exposed eye and asked, "what are you hiding under there? i'd love to know."

i wished he had just gotten to killing me already. i couldn't stand this torture. i didn't have the guts to jump but i also didn't have the guts to fight this man. so, what was it going to be?

i jumped.

it only took a split second for me to hit the ground. being a third story fall, i would have expected it to feel at least long enough for me to realize what was going on, but it wasn't. one second i was in front of that ccg officer, and now i had left cracks in the pavement with the weight of my fall. 

i tried to pull myself to my feet as i sensed other officers coming my way. i could barely move away from where i was. it was another split second when they threw me into the back of a van and i was being driven somewhere. a foul scent clogged my nose. and then there was nothing more.


"kageyama!" suga's voice was filled with so much relief when he finally heard the door chime. that changed when he noticed the absence of the small boy with black hair and ginger roots. "why isn't hinata with you?"

"i'm not sure.. i don't know where he's gone. maybe he's just gotten lost, but still, this isn't really like him.." kageyama sighed, going to sit down at the table suga was occupying. the coffee shop was closed, only touka standing at the bar and cleaning the tea cups. suga noticed him wince; he was covered head to toe in cuts from the glass and from falling onto pavement, although being a ghoul they wouldn't last more than a few more hours.

the two of them sat in silence, both lost in thought, as the soft clinking of teacups was the only sound in the room. a lulling thought remained in the minds of the two boys. was it possible that hinata was killed? he wasn't experienced in fighting someone for real, let alone a dove.

being killed there would have been easier.

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