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my heart was sinking with every step that brought me closer to my childhood home.

there it was; there was the little, cream coloured house that i spent my entire childhood in. i saw the dent in the front of the garage that came from me slamming headfirst into it on my bike. i saw the old soccer net in the side-yard that lead to the back. natsu and i never used it; it just sat, collecting rust since i was around six or seven.

"we have to get this done quickly, hinata.. if someone sees us, it won't be good for us.." suga murmured, rubbing my back gently. i nodded my head; he was right.

i lead suga around the back of the house with me, to the sliding glass door; we always kept a key burried in the plant pot out back. kageyama was left at the front of the house, leaning against a lamp post. his black hood was up, and he kept watch as we broke in.

i opened the door, sliding it open and stepping in quietly. i heard suga's steps echoing mine as we walked through the quiet house, into the office. the familiar oak desk over took the room. i walked over to the filing cabinets on the side of the wall and opened the bottom one. it was where all the medical records were kept, they had been for as long as i could remember.

crouching down, i flipped through the folders until i reached my most recent records. i pulled them out, reading to see that kanou's name was at the top, and slipped my backpack off to put them in.

rustling of the grass came from the slight crack in the window. "someone is here." kageyama's voice came through. i froze, my fingers mid-grasping for my backpack zipper. "who?"

"a pink car."

i paled and suddenly i felt sick. "we have to go, now...!" i whispered, throwing my bag back over my shoulder and holding the file under my arm. but, it was already too late. i heard the door unlock, and the clicking sound of the front door opening and closing.

i heard footsteps. my eyes flickered to suga, who's expression mirrored mine. i mouthed, 'what do we do?', although all i received was a shrug. suddenly, the footsteps just stopped.

"natsu? are you home?"

my mother's voice rang out through the house. i bit down on my lip, hard, as i tried not to let my emotions get to me. i felt so dizzy.. it was probably a mix of my hunger finally getting to me and hearing her voice for the first time in so long.

it was the door. we had left the sliding door open.

when there was no reply from natsu, her footsteps began wandering the house. i got more anxious with every second that passed and tears gathered in my eyes as i clutched the documents to my chest. suga pulled me out of the way of the door, and the two of us breathed so quietly that it was practically inaudible. i've never been so dizzy in my life.

it was my own body that ruined that last glimmer of hope. in the pin-drop silence. my stomach growled so loudly that i swear, that was what attracted my mother to the office.

her steps almost made me lose consciousness. black spots cluttered my vision; and then, there she was. she stood in the doorway, her face blank as she stared at me and suga. i dropped the file folder to the ground and stumbled towards her. i heard rustling behind me, suga had turned away. before i knew what was happening, i had lunged at her and my kagune had shot out of my back.

the thud of the two of us hitting the ground was so loud that it hurt my ears, while i stabbed my kagune into one of her shoulders. i leant down for a bite.

"hinata—" suga breathed; his own kagune pulled me off of her as my teeth clapped together.

a deafening scream left her lips. the look of betrayal on her face tore me to pieces. with the greatest force i've ever felt, suga threw me through the window. i landed in a tumbling mess on the frosty grass, surrounded by bits of glass that didn't pierce my freakish ghoul skin. suga followed. and, him and kageyama together, forced me to my feet and dragged me across the street and into the woods. in his left hand, kageyama carried the documents.

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