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what greeted me when i came into the coffee shop, clad in my work uniform, an eyepatch, and newly black hair was only stares of shock. the natural bouncy waves of my hair were tamed; the dye must have killed it, as it now fell pretty much flat on my head.

"woah, hinata, is that you?" asked a shocked suga from across the cafe. there he sat with nishiki, both of them drinking a cup of coffee. a few other people sat in the coffee shop then, as it was prime business hours. although, i felt safe as i knew they were all ghouls. like me.

"you look just like someone i used to know." touka hummed, drying a cup behind the bar as i stepped behind it to join her. nishiki and suga nodded in agreement as they gazed at me, the same solemn look in all of their eyes. i had to find out what that was about eventually. maybe i'd ask touka later, when we were alone. she kind of scared me, but she seemed to mention this unnamed person most often.

a couple walked into the coffee shop, and touka nudged me to go take their orders. i huffed quietly and reluctantly tied an apron around my waist. after picking up a notepad, i walked over and took their orders with a polite smile on my face. one ordered a plain black coffee, and one ordered a tea with cream. 

i couldn't help but be suspicious about the one who ordered the black coffee; a small girl who looked a little bit too young to be into coffee. she sat with a girl her age, who teased her about having coffee as i walked away.

touka told me she would make the coffee, and i agreed. it was probably for the best that she would make it and not me. i poured hot water for the tea, and poured cream into a little saucer. once touka was finished with the coffee, which brought a sweet aroma to the room, i carried it over to the table.

the two girls thanked me, and i let them know to tell me if they needed anything. i turned back to go behind the bar, and started washing some cups and small plates.

"so, where's kageyama? he went out with his hair still wet. he looks awfully different." suga chirped. 

i felt like my hair stood on end, "why would i know where he is?" i asked quickly, my eyes going wide as i stared intensely at an old teacup.

"well.. it's just that you're always with him.. you know?" suga said, laughing lightly as he got up to push his cup onto the bar for me to wash. "did something happen?" 

i shook my head, taking his cup without meeting his eyes and washing it. i was always bad at lying, especially to suga, "no, he just started acting weird.

i saw a suspicious look cross his face from my peripheral vision. he knew something was up, it was just a game now of who he would get it out of. it was clear that it would be me, since kageyama was naturally better at keeping things to himself. i envied that quality. 

whatever! i wouldn't tell him what happened this time. he would have to hear it straight from kageyama.


"kageyama kissed me!" i whisper-yelled to suga.

shit. i already blew it, not even a whole day later. 

shock wasn't a good enough word to describe the expression that was on suga's face. "woah, wait, you mean.. you and kageyama have been having a thing this whole time?" he asked, his eyes wide as he looked me up and down.

"well.. not exactly. i have kinda.. y'know, liked him, for a while now. i just didn't do anything about it because he didn't give any signs." i explained, fumbling with my sleeves as i glanced towards the door. i felt like he might bust in any moment. he'd probably strangle me for telling suga.

it felt pretty weird to admit something that big to someone. i had never admitted feelings for anyone, let alone for a boy, but it was the truth. i guess there was never really serious feelings that i had for anyone before him. maybe that meant i was gay, but i didn't want to think about that. i didn't like boys, i liked kageyama.

all of this hit me like a tidal wave as i talked to suga. it's always been kageyama. he made me feel so happy, and i always felt like i needed to impress him. and yet, at the same time, he was like someone safe that i could always turn to.

"you know, i'm kinda disappointed in myself. i can usually tell these things." suga said, leaning back against the side of the bed. "but, i think you should talk to him, y'know? i think it will be best to get over this quickly instead of just letting the awkwardness linger." he said, gazing at me with a fond look in his eyes.

i nodded, "i guess you're right."

not much time passed before kageyama showed up. the two of us were just sitting, quietly chatting, when the newly blonde boy's face lit up with a dark blush. he turned, but i called out to him, "hey.. wait."

he paused in the doorway, glancing at me over his shoulder. 

"let's talk," i said, glancing over at suga. he nodded and gave me a little wink, slipping out of the door beside kageyama and heading down to the coffee shop.

"what do you want to talk about?" he asked softly, turning and closing the door behind him. i could tell how awkward this had made him. i didn't know about him, but he was my first kiss. if it weren't for him not dealing with the situation so well, i might have been doing the same thing as he was. although, if it was me, he probably wouldn't bother chasing after me.

i sighed and moved to the bed, shifting to sit cross legged as i patted the spot beside me for him to come sit with me, "c'mon, don't play dumb, idiot.." i huffed.

he glared, although he tentatively came over to sit beside me, "like i said.. i'm sorry. i just.. thought that maybe you would have wanted it."

"but i did.. i think." i said quickly, looking into his eyes. "i'm okay with that.." i insisted, softer this time.

kageyama didn't reply, only moved closer to me on the bed. he snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me in. his other hand cradled the nape of my neck, sending electricity up and down my spine as i felt his lips on mine again. 

it felt just as good as the first time. i arched my back towards him, moving into his lap, just like before. but this time, kageyama was so much more relaxed. i felt him slip his hands under my shirt, his cool fingers grazing up and down my warm skin and sending me crazy.

i heard a faint clicking noise, but i didn't mind it. my eyes were closed, my fingers brushed through kageyama's newly blonde locks, and i was pleased to find out his hair was just as soft as it always had been.

"uh.. boys.."

the two of us jumped apart; the only thing keeping me from falling off the side of the bed was kageyama's strong arm around me, and me straddling his lap.

there was suga, eyes wide as he looked at anything but us, "uh.. kageyama, your shift starts soon.."

the boy under me nodded quickly, and i moved off him so he could get up. i watched as he crossed the room to change, his head obviously fuzzy as he stumbled around the room trying to get himself together. he was panting slightly through his red, kiss-swollen lips. he looked so full of life. 

suga had since went back down to the coffee shop; we had probably scared him off. it was one thing to hear about your two best friends to kiss, and another to walk in on them making out and feeling each other up. i couldn't imagine seeing suga and another teammate, that would be crazy.

kageyama glanced at me before he stepped out of the room, and flashed me a smile. it was so pretty, yet so unnatural. his usually frowning, down turned face was brightened into a happy smile, his cheeks flushed and his eyes practically closed from his expression.

god, did i love that smile.

"have a good shift. i'll come down for coffee eventually."

"i'll be looking forward to it.. dumbass."


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