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i woke up suddenly, sitting up in my bed.

no.. wait. i wasn't in my bed. i looked down to see cold concrete underneath me, and surrounding me. the only break was one, large window; with a woman behind it.

i stumbled to my feet and swung my head around. that didn't help my feeling of dizziness as i struggled to keep my head up straight.

"hinata shoyo."

the sound of my name on that woman's tongue made my sick to my stomach. i looked at her and steadiest myself with the wall. it stung my fingertips with the cold.

"do you know where you are?" i shook my head to her. "you're in cochlea."

"what's.. what's cochlea?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows together. a small chuckle came from the lady there. with a closer look at her, suddenly i felt even more sick and my knees almost buckled under me. that was the lady who came to my house all those months ago, to ask about that girl who died. i felt for my eyepatch in a panic. it was gone.

"a prison for ghouls. maximum security."

in a panic, words began dripping out of my mouth without me even thinking about it, "g-ghoul? no, there must be... be some mistake, i'm a human...! i swear to you, you have to let me go..!!" i slurred stumbling closer to the glass wall, "please, this is a mistake... don't you remember me?"

the woman hummed. "i do remember you. you murdered that girl outside your childhood home and then you ran away. that sounds pretty incriminating to me." she said. "now cut the shit. are you willing to tell us where your friends are? or will i have to get it out of you some other way?"

"still no sign of him?"

touka's voice sounded from the bar. it was full of worry, although she managed to keep her face as apathetic as ever. suga shook his head. he was picking at his nails while he watched the news. he was hoping that they'd say something, anything about his whereabouts; even if he was dead.

"i have a bad feeling about this, koshi." touka hummed, taking a sip of her coffee. "i don't really know him that well, obviously, but he seems pretty.. you know, dependant."

suga nodded, "the thing is, you're exactly right." he sighed, resting his chin in his palm. he started to say something else, but he lost his train of thought when kageyama came into the door. the chime announced his arrival.

"have you heard—"

"cochlea." kageyama spat, dropping into the chair across from suga. "they fucking got him."

the atmosphere in the room grew colder as the news set in.

cochlea was essentially a ghoul prison. they went there if they had the potential to give information to the CCG. if they didn't have what they wanted, or when they drained the information out of them, rather than holding them like prisoners with a life sentence they would 'discard' them. that was a fancy word for executing them.

"since they saw us together at the doctors office.. they have to know we are connected. the crows are connected with this new, one-eyed ghoul. this can't be good." kageyama murmered to himself.

although they hadn't done much for a while, it was still easy to make the connection; kageyama and sugawara were the crows. the days of killing just for fun had ended for the pair as soon as they learned hinata had turned into a ghoul. it was just something to worry about. something distracting.

paint it red // haikyuu x tokyo ghoulWhere stories live. Discover now