Moms burial.

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Your prov.
I got up. I got b/n some clothes to wear. I got myself some to. We had to dress in black for today.. Our mothers burial is today. It's gonna be hard but we have to be strong. B/n got
Dressed so did I. We went out and go into the car. "Auntie said she'll meet us there " I told b/n. "Alright" He said putting on his seat belt. We went and drove over there to the funeral home. We saw our auntie there. Dressed beautiful. We got out and went inside to talk.

Third person view prov
The three went inside. Seeing y/n and her brothers mom in her casket. In a beautiful dress. They hauled her out. And y/n and her brother drove behind them. M/n didn't want m one to be at her funeral. So that happened. Her moms words. They buried her and everything was done. They went back and drove back to there house.
Your prov
That was hard. I didn't believe this day would come to fast. I didn't want to see my mom getting buried like that. It was very hard for the both of us. I ordered some thing for me and b/n. Our auntie went home, back to her child. We didn't mind. We wanted to be alone... my and I talked for a while and ate. We went to bed. There was school tomorrow. I went to bed. Along with b/n sleeping in my room. I let him lay on my bed with me. I felt bad. A young boy like him having to live without a mom or dad. Just his older sister. I thought and thought. I fell asleep..

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