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We were driving from the mall. I cant believe I told him. "You should tell Sam" Connor said. "I cant! What would he say?" I asked. I started to cry again. "Abbie you cant hide thise from him" Connor said. "Yes I can. Dont tell him. The last person I told never spook to me again" I said between sobs. "If he loves you then you can tell him and he qont leave you" Connor kept trying to make me tell him but I cant. "I will eventually but...let us get to know each other better ok?" I asked hopeing he'll let it go. "Fine" Connor huffed and I sighed in relief. "Thanks for driving me home" i said casualy. "No problem" Connor said back as we drove into the driveway. "Bye" I said. "Bye see you later" and Connor was gone. I walked up to Sams room and saw him laying there watching Grown Ups 2. "Hey bae. How was shopping?" he asked as i sit down next to him. "Good we also ate" i casualy said. "Good me too" Sam said.  I layed down on his chest and drifted to sleep.


I woke up Sam was not besides me. I got up and got dressed into a simple outfit with my new beenie. I walked downstairs and Sam was no were "Sam" I called over and over again. He wasnt there. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. I tried texting him but he didnt text back. "What is wrong with you?" I asked my phone with of course no answer. All the sudden I was at a house that I have seen before. "Were are you going sweet heart?" a man asked. I turned around and realized it was him. I ran but he caught me and threw me on the bed...

"Ah" I screamed as I woke up. "Baby whats wrong?" Sam asked huging me. "A night mare" I huged him back. I realized I was shaking and sweaty. "What about?" Sam asked in a soothing voice. I thought about it, I couldnt tell hin so I said. "Losing you" I wasnt lying completely.

Sorry again for the short chapter but I have it planned out and there wont be a short one for a while. Vote. Comment what you think the dream was of. And I changed the name because it was really long and I probably will change it until I am happy with the name. lol

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