Sam told you what?!?!

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We ended up at the o2l house last night and when I woke up I didnt feel to well. I ran to Ricky and Kians bathroom because it was the closest and started throwing up again. "Abbie are you ok?" Kian asked. "Yeah its the thing" I said. I remebered that he liked me and disnt want to start a fight. "Yeah um I never got to see your tattoos" "Oh here" I said holding out my foot. He grabbed my foot and touched my tattoo. "This is pretty" he said. "Thanks and heres this one" I said lifing up my shirt so he could see the tattoo. He traced it with is thumb. "Sorry about yesterday" I said. "Why?" he asked still looking at the tattoo. "I know you, Connor, and Ricky felt uncomfortable" "Yeah we were talking about that....Connor was the most embarrassed" Kian replied pulling my shirt down. "Why?" I asked. "Because...well..we all know what Sam says about you and Connor hears it all like everything stuff I didnt even know" "What does he say about me?" I asked. "Um...well...he tells us whenever you fuck and how good you were and what you about like stuff like that or that I know. Apparently Connor heard more then me and damn.....Abbie" Kian responded. I swear I was as red as a cherry! "Ok thats um embarrassing." I said. "Yeah and Ricky hears the least because he hates the subject of sex" Kian replied. "Oh...ok this is um....i am not everwearing a bikini in front of you guys again....Wait does Trevor hear?" I asked. "Yup! On tour thats all he talked about um..his exsact words were "I miss her fine ass and what she does to me in bed" plus it doesnt help that we have all seen you in your underwear" "O my god and yeah lets not talk about thay" I said leaving the bathroom. "Well I guess you guys um....know more then I would think" I walked down the stairs and saw Connor making eggs. "Yeah we do" Kian agreed. "Hey Connor!" I said and sat down on the counter. "Hey Abbie how was the tattoo thing?" he asked not making eye contact. "Um you were wasnt that bad" I responded. "Good. Congrats on the baby! I am gonna be the uncle right?" he asked finally looking me in the eye. "All of you are" I said. "Are what?" Sam asked. I got up and kissed him. "That all the guys are gonna be uncle's" I told him. "Yeah of course." Sam chipped in. "Ok" Connor said. "Who wants eggs?" "I do!" Kian said. I giggled as Kian took all the eggs. "Kian! Those were for everyone!!"Connor yelled. "What?" he asked mouth full of eggs. "Ill go to tacobell for breakfast. What do you all want?" I asked. Connor saud he would go with me because he knew and I offered to buy. I got in the car and Connor started driving. "So uh I heard what Sam tells you" I said. "Oh um...yeah" he replied. "Sorry about yesterday and whatever Sam says" "Its ok. Not that big of a deal. So um you should start youtube" "I should?" I asked. "Yeah! You would be awesome!" he replied. "And Sam would let you use his stuff" "Maybe I will thanks!" I said. We pulled in and walked inside. Connor ordered and some fans walked up. "Omg are you and Connor dating?!" one of them asked. "" I said. "Who are you dating?" the other one asked. "Sam" I replied. "Oh ok good cause Connors mine" she said and walked away. "Does that happen all the time?" I asked. "Everytime I am out in public" he said. "It gets annoying" "I bet" I said handing the cashier my card. "You dont have to do that. Save your money for the baby" Connor said patting my stomach. "No. Peter had a ton of money in a trust fund and I got every penny" "How?" he asked taking the bag. "He didnt have family and apparently he left all of it to me to keep me quiet" I said holding the door open for Connor. "Oh ok thats weird" "Tell me about it" I replied shuting the car door. We drove home and when we arived it was a ambush of boys taking food. "Yeah they do that" Connor said after they were all eating there food. "Your Welcome!" I yelled. I ate my breakfast and sent over to Kian. "Can I use your shower?" "Yeah of course" he said. I grabbed a towel and went in the shower. I was only in there for 2 minutes when Sam walked in. "Babe, Can I join?" "Sure" I said. He undressed and got in. "Hey" "Hey" I replied. "I heard what you tell the boys" I giggled. "Yeah...are you mad?" he asked. "I was embarrassed but I dont care anymore" I responded. "Ok good" We took a shower and got dressed in the clothes from yesterday which luckily we put in the wash last night so they were clean. We walked downstairs and the boys were starring at us. "Oh shut up" Sam said and we walked out to the car. "Feel better!" Kian said and started laughing.

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