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I sat next to Sam holding his hand. He was still sleeping. I havent left his bed sense the accident yesterday. He had surgery and he has been sleeping sense. Connor knocked on the door and brought me food. "Abbie you have to eat" he said. "Im not hungry" "Yes you are please" he pleaded. I took a bit of my sandwich and pushed it away "Happy?" I asked. "No eat the whole thing" I shook my head. "Abbie you know its not your fault right?" Connor asked taking a but of his sandwich. "Yes it is" "No its not!" the boys have been fighting with me for the last day. "Are you gonna skeep here again?" Connor asked me. I nooded. "Ok well its getting late. We will all be back in the morning. Do you need anything?" he asked. "No Im good" I replied giving him a hug. "If anything happens then call" he said. "I will" I answered. Ricky walked in as Connor was leaving. "Its ok" he said and he gave me a hug. "He will wake up anytime now" I started to cry again. Jc and Kian walked in. "Hey Kian" I said and Kian gave me the biggest hug. I could tell he has been crying. "I talked to the doctor. You can stay if you want" "Really?" he asked. "Yeah but only you because you have known him for so long" "Thanks Abbie. I will be right back" he said leaving. Jc walked up and huged me. "Hey Abbie how are you?" he asked. "Jc we cant tell Sam about what happened." "I wont it was a one time thing" Jc responded. "Good" I huged him. "Call me if you need anything" "I will bye Jc" I replied. "Bye Abbie" he said walking out. About 10 minutes later Kian came back with food. "Did you eat?" he asked. "Im not really hungry" I replied. "Come on eat. Sam wont want to wake up to his starving girl friend" Kian said handing me a sandwhich. "Um Connor already got me on but thanks" "No problem" Kian bit into his sandwich. I looked at Sam again, his cheeks which are normally red are white, he isnt crazylike normal and its all my fault. "Whats the matter?" Kian asked. I realized that I was crying. "Its my fault he is in here." I said and started to ball. Kian put his sandwhich down and gave me a hug. I cried into his shoulder. "im sorry" I sniffled. "Its ok. I get it" he said patting my back. I cried somemore and sat up. Kian looked at me and I could tell something was up. "Whats the matter?" I asked. "This and Andrea and I broke up. And I like someone else" "Oh im sorry about Andrea. What happened?" I asked. "Um..long story" he said shaking me off. "Ok...then who do you like?" "Um...this girl. She would never go for me" "Who??" I pleaded. "Its you!" he scream whispered. "What?" I asked. "I like you. Ever sense you went missing. I didnt realize it until you were gone" "Kian...I like you. But not in that way. Your a amazing freind" I said. "Told you! She wouldnt feel the same. But I have to do something" he said leaning in and kissed me. "Kian.." "Sorry I needed to do that to get over you" he said. "Its ok dont tell Sam" I said. "I wont" he said.

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