Back to the house.

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I spent a week in the hospital, I had a fractured ankle and I have to wear a removable cast. Sam came and visted me everyday and the boys took turns too. All the guys brought me flowers and stuffed animals, I didnt know why but it was still sweet. Sam and I are dating in secret and we are gonna tell the rest of the guys tomorrow but we are not exsactly hidding it. I am staying in Connors room for a week so I can recover and he is sleeping on the couch. I feel bad but he picked me up and carried me here and I cant go down stairs by myself. I was on my laptop and u heard a knock. " Come in!" I screamed and it was Jc. "Hey J" I said smiling. He smiled back and said "Hey" he looked guilty. "I feel terrible about your ankle" he said sitting in the end of Connors bed. "Its ok" I said. "Its not like you did this on purpose....did you?" he giggled and said "No" we sat there akwardly for like 10 minutes. "Hey Abbie?" he asked. "What up?" I asked. Then he leaned in and kissed me. I was so stunned. When he pulled back and said "I have been wanting to do that for ever" I was speachless. "Jc..." I stummbled and I didnt know what to say. "Shh...Abbie." he said kissing me again. I pulled back and said "Jc I am dating Sam" he loooked stunned. "What? sense when?" "Sense the hospital he came and visited me alot and he said he loved me and I love him back" I said he got up and walked out. I heard him run downstairs and slam the front door. I got up and grabbed my cruches. I threw them down the stairs and Kian came running. "You need help?" he asked. I nooded and he picked me up carrying me down the stairs. He set me down on the stairs and picked up my cruches. "What up with Jc?" Kian asked me handing me the cruches. "He said he loved me and I said I loved someone else." I huffed. "Oh.. you love Sam" Kian smirked. "Is it that obvious" I asked. He laughed and we walked into the living room. Sam was there and Kian rolled his eyes. "Hows your leg?" Sam asked me. "Its good" I said. "I mean it sucks cause I cant take a fucking shower with out someone in the bathroom with me just in case I fall but" Sam laughed.  "Yeah and I have been the one doing that" Ricky said. "Bullshit its been Jc!" I screamed. "Guys do you want to go to the mall?" Connor asked. "Cant I need to make a video and take a shower" Sam said. "Connor your gonna leave me?" I whined.  "Yup! Bye" he said walking out tge door. "Bitch!!" I screamed. "So were alone" he kissed me and picked me up. He set me down on the couch and got on top of me being cautious about my foot. He started kissing my neck and then started sucking on my neck finding my sweet spot. "Sam" I moaned. "What up bae?" he said in between kisses. "I dont want to do this here I feel dirty" he looked up at me and smiled. "My place?" he asked as I nooded my head. He went to grab my cruches and went outside and put them in the car. "Know I cant walk!" I said. "Wht would you need to walk if I can carry you?" he asked picking me up wedding style. Sam set me in the car and started driving. Hr couldnt stop looking at me on the way to his place and I starred at him to. Bitting my lip we pulled into his driveway. "Are you ok?" he asked putting his hand on my thigh. "Yeah...are you ready?" I asked shaking."Yeah" he said and kissed me.

Sooo sorry I havent been writing in any of my books latly. My wifi is broke and I am doing this at a friends so....Love you and sorry again!

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