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                 Sams pov

I walked in a sat on the couch. Jc ran down the stairs and sat next to me. "Im sorry I didnt tell you but it wasnt my secret to tell." Connor realized what was going on and sat next to me aswell. Kian and Ricky were there now. "Whats going on?" Ricky asked. "Abbie got raped when she was 15 by someone who lived with her" I said and a tear fell down my cheek.  "O my god" Kian said and huged me. "I um dont know what to say" Ricky said. "Either do I" I whispered. "I dont know how to react" "No one does Sam" Jc said. "Were is Abbie?" Connor asked. "At home" I sniffled. I told Ricky and Kian the story and Jc threw in peices I didnt know but werent that big of deal. We talked for a while and I fell asleep.

              Abbies pov

I sobbed into my pillow and texted Jc but he didnt answer. My phone started ringing. I picked it up and it was my dad. He has tried calling me before. "Abbie? is that you? I was so worried" he said. "Were are you?" "Im not telling you but I need to go home and pick up my things in the next month" I said. "Oh ok I will buy you a plane ticket for the 18th" "Good ive got to go bye" I said and hung uo the phone. Its been over 2 hours sense Sam left and I was getting worried. I grabbed my rental car keys and drove to the o2l house. I ran up to the door and knocked.  Ricky opened the door and gave me a big hug. "I know what happened im sorry" "Is Sam here?" I asked. "Yeah he fell asleep on the couch" Ricky said. I pulled out of his hug and ran to Sam. Kian was looking at me like everybody else so I knew he knew. Sam was asleep but woke up soon after I came.  I happen to be in the bathroom at that point. When I got out of the bathroom I ran into his arms and hugged him. "Im so sorry Abbie I should have never left" he said into my ear. "Its ok its not your fault" I cried into his ear. We huged for what seemed like 10 minutes. I wasnt gonna let go. Why should I? But Jc was the one that broke us apart. "Abbie everyone knows now" he said. "I know and its ok" I shaked. Sam took my hand. "Im sorry I kept it a secret and I wanted to tell everyone personally but I didnt get the chance" I said. Sam squeezed my hand and I looked at him. "Im sorry that that happened to you" Kian said. "Its not your fault" I told him. Kian walked up to me and gave me a big hug. "I think I speak for all of us when I say that if anyone hurts you then we will kick there ass" Connor said. I giggled and blinked away the tears. Everyone agreed and we talked about all the details. I told them about what happened at my dads house and that I was gonna visit. "What?!?! No!" Sam said getting up of the couch. "Sam u half to" I said. "I am going with you" he argued. "Sam no its during your tour!" I argued back. "I dont carw" he said. "Sam no. You have a bigger commitment then me. You have over a million people counting on you to go see them" I said. "I dont want to be the reason your fans to be disappointed" "They will understand" Sam kept arguing. "Sam you have to go please. I love you but I cant do that to your fans and your friends. Guys help me out?" "Abbies right. We cant go on tour without you" Ricky said. "Listen to her" Kian said. The boys all started to talk over each other. "Ok! I wont go but Abbie you have to call me and text me everyday" Sam gave in. "Of course and I will only be there for a couple days" I smiled at him and he kissed me. "Abbie I dont want anything to happen to you. I love you more than I have loved anyone ever" He looked down into my eyes. "I love you to Sam. More then anyone" I kissed him. "We better go home" Sam said. "Its um 2 am you guys should stay here" Jc said. "No I wanna sleep next to Abbie not on a couch" Sam said. I giggled as he realized what he said. "Not sex like next to you" he tried to clear it up. "You guys can sleep in my room and I will take the couch as long as you keep clothed" Ricky said. "Thank you Ricky" I huged him and he went to grab a few things from his room. He came back down and told us we can go up and to mind the mess. 


                  Jcs Pov

It hurt me when she said all those things about Sam. She loves him. "You know that they are gonna have sex, right Ricky?" Kian said. "Yeah I will change the sheets tomorrow" Ricky replied. "Good night" Connor said and went to his room. We all said goodnight and I fell asleep with Abbie on my mind.

               Sams Pov

I shut and locked the door as abbie changed into Rickys shirt she asked for to sleep in. I got in my boxers and layed next to her. "Were gonna have sex, right?" Abbie asked. I smiled and replied "I hope you would ask" I said and got ontop of her. I smashed my lips into hers and slipped of Rickys shirt. We made out more and I took off my boxers. I also took of Abbies underwear and bra. As I slipped of her bra she axidenttly touched my dick. "Opps sorry" she said and turned redder then she has ever turned. "Its ok Abbie. Why do you always say "sorry"" I asked as I kissed down her neck. "I will tell you later" she said. I kissed her breast and down to her stomach. I kissed were her underwear lining would be and she put her hands on my head. "May I?" I asked Abbie. She nooded and I stuck my tongue in her. She moaned a little and i pulled out my tongue and stuck my finger in. She arched her back and moaned. She put her hands over her mouth and said "Sorry! I didnt mean to moan that loud. I dont want them to know we are having sex" I pulled my finger out and said "I dont care what they think. This will show them I love you as much as I say" I said. "Be as loud as you want" I stuck my dick inside her and she arched her back again. I thrusted until I heard the moan I was looking for. "Found it" I said and slammed into her g-spot.  She moaned louder and she said "Sammie I might cum" "Me too. Its ok" I said back. She came and right after her I came. I pulled out of her and layed next to her. Abbie snuggled into my chest and fell asleep. I thought to myself "What would i do without you?" and drifted to sleep. Make up sex is the best kind.

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