Telling the boys

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We got in the car and drove to the o2l house. "Im sorry I freaked out. I wasnt expecting that" Sam told me. "Its ok I wasnt either" I replied. Sam put his hand on my thigh and said "Were gonna get through this together, you will never be alone" he said. "Thank you" was all I could say and we pulled into the driveway. "Are you nervouse? " I asked him. "A bit" he said and took my hand. "Are we gonna tell everyone separate or all together?" I asked. "Lets just tell everyone together" he replied. He opened the door and it happens everyone was here. "Hey can we talk to you all?" I asked. "Sure" Ricky said and everyone sat down. "Sam you tell" I said. He squeezed my hand and started talking. "So we have some good news but its surprising....Abbie is pregnant" he didnt mess around. There was silence and then Connor broke it. "Thats awesome!" "Are you gonna keep it?" Jc asked. "We talked abd yes we are were ready for it" I answered. "Oh ok" Kian said. "Good for you" Ricky replied. "Thanks" Sam and I said at the same time. "Do you know what your gonna nane it?" Jc asked. "No not yet she is only a month pregnant." Sam answered. "Ok well......thats great" Kian said. We talked a bit more and left. "That went better then I thought" I said. "Yes it did. What are we gonna name the baby?" he asked patting my stomach. "I dont know but I hope its a boy" I replied. "Me too" San said and took my hand.

Sorry for the shory chapter! Please check out my other books! luv you! Vote, Comment what you want the babys gender to be thks!

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