Confessions Under Stress

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I walked up to Mr Ambrose, slowly, dress swaying slightly side to side, swishing in the white winter snow. The moonlight was shinning on his face, the glow was beautiful. The sky was letting a light drizzle of snow polish the ground, adding to the contrast of the moonlight against the ground where I was taking slow, precise steps toward Mr Ambrose.

'So,' I said as I got near enough to him so that he could hear me and almost touch me, but not quite, 'he abducted me. He took me and you weren't there, nobody was. It was just me. I was alone. I escaped, but I was alone.'

He stepped closer to me, close enough so he could cup my chin and stroke my hair. And he did. His one hand voluntarily snaked up to my cheek, where it then cupped it, while his other hand came up to my hair, stroking it gently and pushing stray hairs behind my ear.

'I know.' He said. His voice was hard, cold, but it did contain some empathy and concern. This empathy and concern would be considered undetectable to the naked eye, but knowing a chauvinistic bachelor as this one for as long as I have, you come to see the slight signs presented.

Acting on their own accord, my arms reached out for him, grabbing his waist, pulling him closer. We were so close, so terribly close. Slowly, a small smile crept onto his perfectly chiseled face.

Emotion. I was actually witnessing Mr Rikkard Ambrose have a real life emotion! A smile. He was happy! To see me?

I simply could not believe my eyes. Of all the crazy events that had taken place in my life, I had never thought that this would happen!

But just as quickly as it had appeared, his smile vanished into thin air.

'We'll talk about this in my room later,' he whispered, 'It's not safe out here yet.'

Quickly, he detangled his hands from my hair and face, only to bring them around my torso, holding me close. Hugging me. He was hugging me. What did I do after this simple action of his? I hugged him back.

To hell with being a feminist at this particular point in time! I just escaped Lord Dalgliesh all by myself, that was enough feminism for the day I think.

Just as I was beginning to think that we were alone I heard a small giggle come from behind. Slowly turning around and opening my eyes, I came face to face with Samantha Ambrose.

'Awe Lillian, dear. You were gone too long,' before continuing she hugged me, a bone-crushing hug. Her fragile arms wrapped around me and she nuzzled her head into my hair. I heard her give a content sigh.

'I am glad you are well. Not only were you missed by Adaira and I, but you were also missed by my son. I've never seen him like that, so upset and distraught. I'm glad you are now safe and well.'

I could have cried. I'm really surprised I didn't. Well, I'm trying not to admit that I was actually crying. The snow was still falling at an even pace, trickling into my hair, decorating it with dots of white. The snow was falling onto my hair, therefore it was also falling onto my face. It definitely wasn't tears streaming down, it had to be melted snow. That's the only logical solution.

'Thank you so much for the concern. I am well, so is your son. I don't think he was worried about me, though. Perhaps he was worried about having to find a replacement for my brother? Surely Victor wouldn't continue to work for Mr Ambrose if his dear sister had been hurt!'

I was bluffing. Sorta. Kinda. If I had died under Lord Dalgleish's care, Victor would not be able to work for Mr Ambrose, that part wasn't a lie. However, having known this stone-headed granite statue for a while, I know deep down that he cares for me, he's just too scared to admit it.

Just before I could continue, or Samantha could reply, a cold voice struck the air, silencing even the smallest of noises that dared to make a peep in his presence.

'It is true, Miss Linton. When it was discovered that you had went missing, dispatch squads were immediately in desperate search for you, under my order. I find it very... inadequate when you are not with me.'

My heart melted. My feminist heart melted. Even under his freezing glare, even under the stars on this oh so cold night, even then. I felt my heart sink, drop, melt. I no longer felt cold. Instead, a sudden warmth spread throughout my body.

He didn't even say much, didn't even admit he cared for me. He likes it when I'm with him. It's not a really big accomplishment to admit to being uncomfortable when a certain person isn't around, but to Mr Ambrose it's a very big accomplishment.

'I have to admit,' I started, turning a little bit more away from Samantha and towards Mr Ambrose, 'I also find it inadequate when I'm not where I would like to be. It's displeasing to say the least.'

He fixed his glare on me. His face was still, cold, perfect. But, his eyes told another story. Behind his perfect facade, he was falling apart. A storm was brewing within his eyes and all I was doing was encouraging it, enjoying it, pushing him to his breaking point and laughing as his empire came crashing down.

Taking a step towards him, I continued. 'So, Mr Ambrose, Sir, shall we continue our little chat inside? I find it very chilling out here and I've had a very long day. You know, with the kidnapping and everything.'

He was silent for a minute, a typical action of his. I wouldn't have expected anything else. The birds were chirping in the trees as if in agreement. Samantha just stood there awestruck, eyes glistening, a smile grazing her face. While I took another step toward him, linking my arm in his.


We walked into the manner at a quick pace, my arm still in his, with Samantha trailing close behind. On our way up to my dear employers room, Samantha took a... slight detour. She ended up going into another room downstairs where she would keep her guests entertained. This action of hers was enforced by a cold stone, her son, Mr Ambrose.

I still can't get over how remarkably beautiful Mr Ambrose's parents' estate was. The walls are entirely decorated with amazing colours and antiques. It's truly astonishing. Mr Ambrose could almost fit right in! How could this miser fit in with a gorgeous house, one might ask? As to which, I would answer, he is a granite statue. There are already so many statues here that no one would even notice he was actually a human.

He opened the door to his room, shook my arm out of his and marched in, leaving me out in the hallway.

Marching right in after him and shutting the door behind me, I said,


'Yes, Mr Linton?'

I walked right up to him and wrapped my arms around his beautifully made body. He was already facing me so he reciprocated the gesture, wrapping his arms around me.

My biggest, most best smile crept onto my face before I whispered my next words.

'Did ya miss me?'


Did y'all like this one-shot? It's basically how I had imagined chapter 35/36 before Sir Rob had published it here on Wattpad.

I frequently imagine what might happen after each Wattpad update, so I decided to put my thoughts and visions into words and write it out for you!

Anyways, vote if you liked it and comment any suggestions for new one-shots that you may like to see! Want to see Captain Carter? How about more trips away from London with Rikkard and Lilly? Comment! 

MJ :))

Originally Published Feb. 2018

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