Modern Day AU (2)

616 24 2

The temperature dropped, literally dropped. It was almost as if it were the middle of winter in Vancouver and I had just been in Hawaii a few seconds ago.

His gaze devoured me, eyeing me head to toe. After a moment, I brought myself to put my head up and looked into his eyes. Those deep, dark, dangerous eyes. Immediately I felt captured by him, by something in him.

I cleared my throat.


Silence. What a guy. I literally got FIRED from my job for this exact moment and he's not even saying anything at all! Typical men.

I tried again.


'Yes, Miss Linton?'

'May I come in?'

He paused a moment, as if to ponder my question, before stepping aside to let me in. I walked past him and sat down in his visitor's chair. He waited for me to sit down before shutting the door and walking over to his window behind his desk, back facing me.

'I brought your jacket back, sir. It's just the way you left it.'

He didn't say anything so I took this as an opportunity to do what I do best and keep talking.

'You wouldn't believe all the crap I had to go through just to get this blasted jacket back to you. I started off my day crappy. I was late for work-' and that's when I met you with your perfect hair and perfect face. '-and so when I asked my boss to leave early he just flat out fired me.'

I could have sworn he flinched. Slowly, he turned around and his eyes met mine yet again before he responded.

'You had a job?'

To say I was shocked that he said that would be an understatement. That's like saying I didn't know people died in the zombie apocalypse. No, this shock is way worse. This shock is like finding out the main character dies in your favourite book. It's absolutely horrifying.

'Excuse me?' I said, teeth grinding together. I very quickly stood up from my seat and marched over to him. My hands were curled into fists at the sides of my body.

'I am not in the habit of repeating myself, Miss Linton. Are you hard of hearing or just stupid? Pray explain to me.' He said. His voice was cool and collected. He didn't show any signs of anger just... a tint of humour.

So he thought this was funny, like some game? Well, we'll see who's laughing soon enough.

'What year do you think you're living in, sir? This is 2018. Plenty of woman have jobs. We are closer now than we've ever been to achieving the freedom we have desired our whole lives. Of course I have a job. Well, had a job I guess. I got fired for needing to bring this jacket back to you. So basically, the only reason why I am going to be poor and homeless is because of you. So take your stinking jacket and let me get out of your face!' I yelled at him. My hands were no longer in fists at my sides, but now grabbing onto the collar of his shirt, pulling him close.

He was so close. So terribly, terribly close. I could feel his breath on mine. I could feel his heart beat pick up slightly. Apparently he had never been yelled at by a lady and it startled him. I hope I sure taught him a lesson.

'Thank you for returning my bank card, but I returned your jacket. We're even now. So take it, I left it on your chair. Goodbye!' I said.

I let go of him and start walking out his door. But I stopped when I came face to face with a giant man wearing a turban. He was very tall and I would probably be scared of him if I wasn't Lillian Linton.

'What are you?' I said. 'Are you Mr Ambrose's like, guard dog or something?'

He growled, apparently appalled by my question, and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me back down towards the visitors' chair again. He then proceeded to back away towards the wall behind me. Far behind me.

He growled. What is he? A bear? My guess of a guard dog was only slightly off if that was the case and he was actually half-bear half-man. Perhaps Mr Ambrose would be appreciated more if he paid his employees better. Maybe if he paid tall dude with some dog bones instead of money it would be more appropriate.

Mr Ambrose's gaze was tearing through my back.

'This is Karim. He isn't my guard dog. You can tell because he hasn't ripped your arms off yet.' Yet.

He was silent for a moment, as if to let his words sink in. Pfft. As if I actually cared if he owned a vicious dog. Oh! Maybe I could pet this dog sometime though! I sure do love me some doggo cuddle time.

Seeming to realize we were falling off track of our original conversation, I was just about to break the silence when he beat me to it.

'You will stay.' Said a cool voice from in front of me. I could tell that voice from anywhere, even if I hadn't seen his lips move as the words flowed out.

He moved so quickly. So quickly that I didn't even realize. Soon enough, he was in front of me. His hands were holding onto each side of the chair, his arms were around me, he was leaning down towards me, centimetres away from my face.

My breath hitched.

'I will not!' I said while attempting to get up from the chair.

He pushed me back down as if I were as light as a feather. Even though I'm not a feather, because my generous derrière wouldn't allow that to happen, he man handled me like I was one.

'Yes, you will. You will also address me with respect. You shall call me Mr Ambrose or Sir from now on and I shall call you Miss Linton.'

'And why would I listen to you, you inconsiderate miser?' I said, teeth clenched together.


'You inconsiderate miser, sir!' A small smile tugged at each corner of my mouth and I let it slowly take over. Eventually, a huge grin spread across my face.

He just looked at me as he waited a moment before continuing.

'Because, Miss Linton,' he started, 'you are exactly what I need. You are what I've been searching for.'


I actually had this prewritten but I somehow lost it?? Anywho, this one-shot will be a continuation of last weeks.

Thank y'all so much for 200 reads, this is amazing!!

Don't forget to comment suggestions and vote if you liked it!

I love you <3

MJ :))

March 06/18

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