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The slimy frog slipped out of Lillian's grasp before she could even say, 'You sneaky son of a bachelor!' The sun was shinning down on her as she ran around in her dress, ruining it in the mud.

With every step forward she took, another spot of brown appeared on her light pink dress. The twilight sparkle in the sky was minutes away as the sun was descending and transforming into a bright crescent, the moon. Evening was upon Lillian's world. This was her favourite time of the day. Especially after a huge storm like the one that occurred this afternoon.

Lillian's attention was no longer on the frog that had leapt away from her, but now on her companion; a little boy about the same age as her. His name was James Carter, formally known to tell Lilly all sorts of jokes, making her erupt in laughter at any given time.

James and Lillian were about ten years old. She cringed at the thought that soon she would have to give up her freedom to play with whomever she pleased, that she would have to give up her freedom soon in general.

Lillian's thoughts were consuming her as she looked at her dear friend. If the twins didn't find the solid chocolate I hid under my bed last night, she thought, then maybe I could have it after dinner tonight. Maybe a few bites, or maybe a few ba-

'Boy oh boy, do you ever think before you do something?' A cute voice interrupted Lillian's thoughts of the chocolate waiting for her at home.

'I think plenty, James. I just thought that I could catch the frog before it jumped away. I was so close. Next time, though.' She said as she raised her chin the slightest showing that she was determined to catch that frog if it was the last thing she did.

He gave her a big smile. 'Okay, Lilly-Belle. Whatever you say.' He waved his hands around in a mocking gesture.

Lilly had enough of his foolish games. She slowly bent down to the ground to get a scoop of mud into her delicate little hands. Standing back up she sprinted toward James. He turned from her as soon as he realized what was happening.

'Oh no you don't!' He yelled as he dove through the trees and ducked behind the biggest rock he could find.

James lay on the ground for a moment catching his breath. When he was finally steady he slowly peeked out from behind the rock only to discover that Lilly was no longer chasing him.

Where could she have gone? He thought, She was just following me a moment ago. Maybe she-

James' thoughts were cut short. Lillian came up behind him, tiptoeing her way there, and threw the mud on his head.


The chocolate brown mud slid down his face getting in his ears, eyes and in his nose. He went to open his mouth to tell her that she would definitely pay for that, but all he got was a mouthful of dirt.

Coughing he jokingly said to her, 'Lilly! You're aunt is going to be so mad when she sees what you've done!'

'Pffft.' Lilly said as she shrugged her shoulders. 'Aunt won't know about what I have done if you go to the river to wash off before returning.'

It is pretty hot out here, Lilly thought, Maybe I could go swimming before the sun has fully set.

She put her hand out towards James. He grabbed it and pulled himself up. 'Let's go. I'll race you there!' He said before letting go of her hand and taking off, Lilly not too far behind.


'That's not fair!' James said, 'You cheated!'

'Did not!'

'Did too!'

'Did not!'

'Did too!'

'Fine, I admit it. I pulled my dress up above my ankles to run faster, but that's not cheating!' She stated. Her hands were on her hips and her lips were puckered slightly as if she were frowning.

'If anything,' She continued, 'you were the one cheating.'

'How so?'

'Well,' She started, 'You are wearing pants so your legs have the physical ability to be able to spread farther apart; you take bigger steps. Also, my dress is really confined. It only lets my legs go so far. All I did was give my legs a little more room so I could also take bigger steps. You cheated, I cheated. All's well.' She said with triumph in her voice.

Lillian remembered that one time when she was nine, she overheard someone in the park talking about how the women in this country needed to take more initiative, needed to buck up and demand equal rights and fight till they got what they sought. She didn't know if she could apply some of those overheard words to this situation, but it must have worked.

After a few minutes of James letting Lilly's backtalk set it, he finally understood her words.

'I see.' He stayed simply, letting her know that he understood.

'Really?' She asked. She was pretty unsure herself if her explanation even made sense.

'Oh yes. I think you are what my mommy and daddy call a feminist; you fight for equal rights between men and woman.' He took a moment to let his words sink in and think about what his next sentence would be before he spoke it. 'You saw that me, a boy, had an unfair advantage. You, a girl, took this into consideration and found a way to make it fair. I salute you!' He said, giving her a mock salute.

'Why thank you, captain.' She giggled, content with her slight joke. James looked at her a moment before the corners of his lips curved into smile. He began to laugh too, until he looked at his surroundings and realized something vital.

'Uh oh.' James said.

'What?' Lillian asked him.

'The sun is setting fast. Soon the fireflies will be out and you know what that means!' He said, fake terror leaking into his voice as he spoke those words.

'Ah yes,' Lilly started, 'Those bloody fireflies.'

She turned so she was fully facing James Carter. He looked up at her, into her eyes. She took a deep breath before continuing.

'Those bloody insects! They're the worst!'

'Lilly-Belle, I still don't understand your hatred for those poor, innocent lightening bugs.' James admitted with a tint of confusion going through his mind and being transmitted to Lillian through his voice.

She sighed a deep, meaningful sigh.

'Those stinking creatures may look all sweet and pure to the naked eye, but I tell ya, they are from down under.' She turned away from him, back towards her Aunt Brank's home that her and her sisters were currently residing in.

James scurried to his feet before following Lillian Linton like a lost puppy who has fallen deeply in love.


So it's a new one shot!! Possibly a few chapters long... ;-)

I didn't forget to update today, whooooop! Lads, I now have improv twice a week and Grease practice once/twice a week and I am hypedddd.

Alright, let's acknowledge the elephant in the room before I sign off... 40+ votes!! I can NOT believe it! Holy crap! Thank you guys so much, it means a lot!!

Keep commenting and voting if you like this one shot!

MJ :))

Mar 20/18

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