The Talk

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'You have to, you bloody chauvinist!'

'For the last time Mr Linton, I am not going.'

His dark, stormy eyes pierced through me as he left no room for argument in his voice. But, of course, I argued. I love defying him, it's probably my favourite past time.

'Mr Ambrose, I am an independent person who never ever asks for anything from anyone! But I'm asking you to put aside your precious work for a few measly little hours and go to the ball with me.' My voice faded as I whispered the last few words. I despise balls, he despises balls, but we both have to go. Aunt Brank is going to be there with her never ending list of possible bachelors to marry me off to and because I was away last week with Mr Rikkard Ambrose in the South American jungle, I have to attend this week's ball. Mr Ambrose also has to come, for he has some personal business to conduct to. He needs to talk with me.

He won't voluntarily talk to me though, why would he? He has mountains of paperwork to fill out and heaps of files to read through, he doesn't have time to talk to little me. The silent git never speaks a word anyways.

He spoke to you in the jungle. Boy what he said to you in the jungle. And in the dessert too. When you would cuddle with each other to keep warm during the cold nights and hold each other oh so very close.

I felt a slight blush graze my cheeks as I shook my head hoping to be rid of the annoying voice.

My original plan of annoying him into going to the blasted ball wasn't working. Looks like it's time to put plan B into action!


'Yes, Mr Linton?' He said while looking back down at his papers. I stood up from where I was sitting and made my way to his desk. Walking around it and leaning over him, I wrapped both of my hands around his neck, forcing him to look me in the eyes.

'I have a proposition to make.' I whispered as I hovered over him. He lifted his hand toward my face and his calloused fingers slowly moved down my cheek, torturously slowly.


How can I get him to listen to me? Flaunt my lashes and hope he'll succumb to my charm? Ha! Fat chance!

'I... need to talk to you and I want to talk to you at the ball, where society would not be very appreciative of you pushing me away and ignoring me completely.' My voice was gentle, too gentle for my liking, but gentle nonetheless. I couldn't tell if my plan was working, but I sure hoped it would.

'Indeed?' He said, showing no sign of affection, except the hand he placed under my chin after it moved down my cheek. His voice was as hard and sure as ever.

'Yes indeed, Sir, Mr Ambrose, Sir!'

'I'll go, but only under one condition,' he said leaning forward, his face inches away from mine. I could feel his breath on my lips as he continued, 'you work extra hours all week, unpaid.'

I see what game he's playing at and guess what? Two can play that game!

I stood up abruptly and walked away from him, back towards the door to my office.

'Of course, Sir.' I gave him a mock salute and turned toward the connecting door.

'And Sir?'

'Yes, Mr Linton?'

'Try to refrain from called me 'Mister' while I'm wearing a ball gown and looking ever-so feminine.'

Without waiting for a response, I walked out.


'Blast!' I whispered under my breath. I've been at this blasted ball for an hour and still no sign of Mr Iceberg Head. I decided to lift my head and look away from the chocolate I was currently devouring, only to lock eyes with stormy blue ones.

'Miss Linton, dance with me?' His voice was so sure, so icy and cold. How had he made asking me to dance sound like a command? Because he's Mr Rikkard Ambrose, that's why. He reached his hand out for mine.

'Miss Linton, dance wi-' I started mocking him but was soon cut off as I noticed a glare. A glare so hard, so cold that it could freeze the Sahara desert on the hottest day of the year. 'It would be my pleasure, sir.' I said with the biggest smile I could muster.

I took his hand in mine as he lead us to the middle of the room, him placing his free hand on my waist and I put mine on his shoulder. The music began.

I waited for him to say something, anything. But alas, only silence. Minutes passed before I dared to break it.

'So, sir...' I started, not daring to look him in the eyes.

'Yes, Miss Linton?'

'About what I wanted to tell you...'

I waited yet again and still, silence. I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, immediately being captivated by the storm inside them.

'I can't work for you any longer.'

'You what?'

'I'm sorry sir, but I can't. My aunt is making me marry some stupid bachelor with a nose so pointy it might take my eye out.' I shuddered just picturing his face. Eck.

'His name?'

'No. Nonononono. Sir, no more waste disposal. I'm going to have to marry some unfortunate gentleman sooner or later. Might as well get it over with now.'


'Yes instead, sir.'

His face was as blank as ever but his eyes, oh his eyes, they whirled with emotion. Emotion I couldn't yet decipher. It was something I had never seen in his eyes before. I took another deep breath and noticed the music had ended. I untangled myself from him and curtsied.

He grabbed my chin with his hand and made me a promise, one I never thought he would be capable of.

'I will help, but you will go to work tomorrow, extra hours included.'

And with that, he turned to walk out.


Hello, Ifrits and welcome to my first ever Storm and Silence fanfiction!

I hope the personalities weren't too different from the original! Also, this one shot will continue for multiple chapters.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed it! Don't forget to comment suggestions for future one shots as well!

Until next time,

MJ :))

Originally posted Feb. 07/18

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