Request #1

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Video by: Abyss X Eden
This request is from FanfictionZwy. The request is: Regis x Shinwu.

"Shinwu stop making a mess!" Regis yelled at the red head who kept spilling his food on the table. "I'll clean it up." He replied. "No. I'm not having my duty passed to someone else." He said as he crossed his arms and huffed.

Shinwu kept stealing glances of Regis when he wasn't paying attention. He had feelings for him and made sure no one knew. He spelt his food on purpose, because he thought Regis was cute when he was mad.

After they ate, Regis took the dishes off the table, bringing them in the kitchen. He placed them in the sink as M-21 and Takio were getting ready to clean them. The two started to clean as Regis went back to the living room.

"Seira your amazing! Good looks, nice, and can cook." Sui said smiling. Seira had a faint blush on her face. "Of course." Regis replied as he sat down next to Seira. "Want to play a game?" Shinwu asked as he pulled out playing cards.

After playing poker for over an hour, Frankenstien won the most. "It's late we should go. Chairman Sir, Your awesome at poker." Shinwu said as he put his cards back in the box. The kids all stood up saying, "Bye Rai,  chairman, and big bros." 

They walked to the door and Seira and Regis followed. Once outside they were silently walking.

Shinwu's POV

As we were walking I glanced at Regis, the moonlight shining on him. He looks so beautiful, his crimson eyes shining, oh how much I want to make him mine. I blushed at the thought.

"Hey Regis can you come with me? I want to talk to you privately." I asked him. "Fine." Regis said and started to walk towards my house. The other said bye to us and went with Seira.

When we went our separate ways, Regis started to speak, "So what was it you wanted to talk about?" When we walked by a ally, I grabbed Regis and pushed him against a wall. "Wh-what are you doing?" He asked me. I didn't answer.

I leaned in closer to his face, claiming his lips with mine. We pulled apart, "Regis I love you." I told him. He blushed bright red, and I smirked. "I-i l-love y-you too." He replied. I then kissed him again and he kissed me back.

We pulled apart and a few minutes later Seira came. We both blushed bright red. We then continued to walk until we made it to my house. "Goodnight Seira. Goodnight Regis." I said as I winked at him. His blush got darker and I opened the door.

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