Request #2

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Video by: Kira N.

This request is from coldhearted_naomi. The request is: write a M-21 x OC. Make it as if the Oc was caught in a battle and then M-21 felt some type of way for her.

Zoe and M-21 were walking home to Frankenstien's house, after work. *Boom!* Some attacked them from behind. They blocked it at the last second. The smoke cleared and there stood a man with blue long hair. "Nice to run into eachother. Am I right?" He spoke as he grined like he didn't just attack them.

"What do you want?" Zoe snapped. "My my, your a feisty one." "Answer my question. What do you what?" He walked closser, with a smirk on his face. "Why to get ried of you traders of the Union." "Oh we're soo scared." M-21 told him sarcastically.

"Let's began shall we?" The man lunged forward at Zoe. Zoe doged it and transformed into her werewolf form, lunging to atack the man, and hitting him in the stomach.

The man flew back a bit but then kicked her. "I'll admit my mistake. Your stronger than you are known for." She was starting to get aggravated because the man wouldn't shut up.

The two continued fighting. They were both bloody, bleeding heavily. The area around was destroyed.

M-21's POV

What is this feeling? My chest started to hurt, as Zoe was getting hurt. As the man kicked her again, I was full of rage. I transformed to attack him.

"Zoe stay back." I told her before she could get up. I lunged towards the man, stabbing him with my claws. "How dare you hurt her!" My attacks became faster and harsher.

I don't know why I'm acting like this, mabe I... like her. Sure she is smart, sassy, beautiful, carrying, the way she smiles... ugh focus M-21 you got to protect her. I thought as I pinned the man down, and finished him.

I got up and picked her up. "Zoe are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine. Thank you for saving me, but I could've handled him myself." She told me before she passed out. I brushed her black hair out of her faces and kissed her on the forehead, walking home.

♡♡♡ A/n: lol sorry if it's not that good, I never wrote a fight scene before.

Please don't forget to vote and comment, and if you have a request please comment below or message me. Also in you want me to write a part two let me know.♡♡♡

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