Request #2: Part 2

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Video by: Velocityshock

Back at Frankenstien's house, M-21 walked in the living room, injured and Zoe still passed out in his arms. "Frankenstien can you heal us?" M-21 asked the man who was sitting on the couch by his Master.

"What happened?" He asked him as he stood up. "We were attacked by the Union, trying to get ried of us." Frankenstien's dark aura started to leak out. Zoe was like a sister to him. "Sigh. Master I'll be back. Come on." He bowed to his master and walked towards the lab, with M-21 behind.

M-21 layed her on the table then getting on the other himself. Frankenstien then started to heal them. Zoe was in bad shape while M-21 only had a few cuts on him.

"She will be fine in a few days." Frankenstien assured him. He was finishing up on wrapping the bandages on her. "Thank you." He replied as he was looking at her brushing her long black hair.

"Before you leave, clean up the lab." With that said he left the lab to go back to his master.

M-21 looked down at her and kissed her on the cheek. Her eyes opened and he quickly pulled away. The two blushed and he looked away.

She then tried to sit up. "Ow." He looked at her and helped her sit up. "Are you okay?" He asked her as he looked at her with carrying eyes. "Y-yeah, it just hurts a little."

She grabbed his hand and jurked him towards her. She then kissed him on the lips. M-21 blushed and was shocked. He then kissed her back. They continued to kiss.

Frankenstien forgot his phone. We was on his way back to the lab. When he opened the door he saw the two kissing. He stopped and cleared his throat. The two didn't didn't hear him. "Hey!" The two quickly pulled away and blushed.

He walked to his desk grabbed his phone, walked towards the door, and walked out like nothing happened. They sat there for a moment before M-21 kissed her again.

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