Request #1: Part 2

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Video by: drunkc0w

The next day.

The kids were at the gate waiting on Rai, Regis, and Seira. Shinwu couldn't wait to see Regis. When the three finally came out Regis blushed and looked away.

"Let's go." Ikhan said as they started to walk. Sui and Yuna were talking about make-up and boy. The three nobles stayed quiet. Ikhan was talking to Shinwu about video game, but Shinwu wasn't even listening.

He was too busy thinking about why Regis looked away with a blush. 'Wait. Was Regis embarrassed?' He thought. "Hello! Shinwu are you even listening?" Ikhan asked as he waved his hand in front of his face. "Huh. Oh, yeah, I was." "Yeah sure you were." Ikhan replied sarcastically.

Before Shinwu could say anything else, they made it to school. They all went to class and sat down at there desk. Ikhan was typeing fast on his computer, Sui was fixing her make up, Yuna was secretly on her phone, Seira and Regis were writing notes, while Rai was looking out the window.

Shinwu on the other hand, was asleep. He was having a dream about Regis.


Shinwu was at the Chairman's house hanging out with everyone. They were all playing games, and having fun. They started to play Truth or Dare. Tao dared Shinwu to go in the closet with Regis for 5 minutes. The two blushed as they were shoved into the closet.

"So... umm... what do we do now?" Regis asked him, not knowing what to say. "Maybe this." He replied as pulled Regis close. He then kissed him, while Regis was shocked. He then pulled away from him, "Sh-shinwu what are you doing?!" Shinwu smirked, "kissing you." He then pulled him back to him...

End of Dream

"Shinwu!" Ikhan yelled as he shook him awake. "Mmm... what is it?" He asked him in a sleeply tone. "Wake up It's lunch time." When he said that Shinwu sprung up, knocking his chair down in the process.

"Let's go!" He said pointing at the door with his hand. Some sighed, while some giggled at his actions.

In the cafeteria Ikhan came back with everyone's raymon. He handed everyone there food and chopsticks. As they were silently eating, Regis broke the silence thanking Ikhan for the food, smiling. Shinwu felt jelous of Ikhan and tried to calm down.

After everyone was done eating, Shinwu grabbed Regis by his hand, "Regis can you come with me? I need to talk to you." He then blushed, remembering what happed last night. Everyone but Rai looked at the two with confusion. Before he could reply, Shinwu was dragging him with him, down the hall.

"W-where are we going?" Regis asked. Shinwu stopped as he made it to the stairs that led to the roof. He then turned to Regis, and slammed him into the wall. He then stared to kiss him and Regis kissed him back roughly.

Tao's POV

I was checking the monitors. I stopped it, when I saw Regis and Shinwu walking to the roof stairs. Curious, I decided to see where they were going. Shinwu slamed Regis into the wall and.... making out with him?! A mischievous grin found my face as I started to record it, to ask Regis what they were doing.

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