Request #9 Part: 2

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"Frankenstein... I... love you." Rai said breathlessly. Frankenstein smiled, wrapping his arms around him, "I love you to master."

Frankenstein fell asleep with Rai on top of him. Rai kissed him on the cheek before carefully getting off of him. Looking down at Frankenstien, his stomach was covered in his own release.

He grabbed some tissues from Frankenstein's desk and wiped him clean. He looked so peaceful sleeping. Rai couldn't help but remember the first time they did this.

Rai sat down at Frankenstein's desk, watching his beautiful bonded sleep.


Back at Frankenstein's house, the young nobles, the trio and Karias were home. Everyone was silently doing there after school chores Frankenstein assigned to them. "Has anyone seen boss today?" Tao asked breaking the silence. "No, but he should be back by now." Takio replied.

"Sir Raizel also didn't go to PC bang with the kids today." Regis said. "Do you think it's the Union?" M-21 asked as he set chopsticks on the table. Tao then pulled out his phone to call Frankenstein.

"Boss won't answer." Tao replied as he tried to call Rai. "Sir Raizel's not picking up either." Everyone started to worry. Frankenstein wouldn't disappear before informing them all where he went. "I think we should go look for them." Takio replied. Everyone nodded.


Frankenstein woke up to see his Master was sitting at his desk. "Master." Frankenstein smiled, his beautiful manster looking at him. "Frankenstein. We are not done yet." Rai replied as he watched Frankenstein's reaction.

"Yes, Master." Rai patted his lap. Frankenstein got up and walked to master, kneeling at his feet. Rai's cock was hard again and Frankenstein couldn't stop himself from licking it from tip to base. Rai moaned a barely audible moan. Frankenstein smiled before taking that hot, heavy, length in his mouth.

Rai gripped Frankenstein's hair as he ran his tongue across the slit. Rai moaned pushing Frankenstein to take more. Frankenstein moaned a muffled moan as he let his master take control. Rai moved Frankenstein up and down his length moaning. Rai's cock kept hitting the back of Frankenstein throat.

Rai quickly pulled Frankenstein off, a rope of saliva connecting the two. "Frankenstein. Ride me." Frankenstein moaned before sitting in his Master's lap kissing him. Rai pushed his tongue in Frankenstein's mouth, deeping the kiss.

The two pulled away, only for Frankenstein to guide his Master's manhood to his entrance. He stayed like that for a while, teasing Rai. Rai was in no mood to play as he thrusted up into Frankenstein. Frankenstein moaned as that hot hard heat was in him.

He moved up slowly, feeling his masters cock drag inside him. He pushed back down fast, hitting his prostate. Frankenstein moved faster, his own cock hitting his master's stomach, leaving smears of precum.

Frankenstein was moaning with each movement, bouncing up and down. Rai grabbed Frankenstein by the hips, thrusting into him. Frankenstein was moaning louder. Frankenstein got himself free from Rai's grip moving against his thrusts. Rai was moaning with each thrust, enjoying Frankenstein around him.

They were moving inhumanely, wanting more. Frankenstein was moaning louder than before, his hair moving with his thrusts. Rai grabbed Frankenstein's cock stroking him, rubbing his thumb over his tip. Frankenstein gasped, moving even faster, hitting his prostate with each thrust, he was so close.

"Come for me." Rai commanded. Frankenstein obeyed, released, clenching down on Rai, and screamed. Rai released inside him, thrusting slowly to prolong Frankenstein's orgasm. Frankenstein leaned his head on Rai's shoulder, breathless.


Tao grabbed his computer as the others left, to see if they left the school. "That's odd. They didn't leave the school." Tao said into his microphone so the others could hear him through his ear piece. "Were on our way." M-21 replied as they all made there way to the school.

Tao looked at all the cameras until Frankenstein's office was left. Once he turned it to that camera, his face became bright red, as moans and groans started to play through his laptops speakers. On the camera, showed Rai and Frankenstein... having sex?! He quickly shut his computer, but not fast enough.

"Tao... are you watching what I think you're watching?" M-21 asked. "N-no! Boss and Sir Raizel are fine!" Tao replied panicking. "How do you know?" Karias asked as he smirked. "There at the school, ju-just come back!" Tso replied. He saw something that he shouldn't have.

"Fine." Takio replied as they all started to head back. "Tao are they doing what I think they are?" Karias asked. When he didn't get a response, he laughed. "Bahahaha! I knew it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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