Request #4

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Video by: Didi Nightcore
Picture by: Sawitry on DeviantArt
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The request is:
Rai x Frankenstien

Rai and Frankenstien were home alone. The trio and the young family leaders, went shopping. Rai was sitting on the couch drinking tea, while Frankenstien was reading the trio's lab results. Rai set his tea cup down and stood. "Frankenstien." Rai said as he looked at the blonde scientist.

"Yes, Master?" He replied to him setting down his papers and standing up. Rai motioned toward the couch for Frankenstien to sit. He did so without questioning him. He looked at his master, "Mas..." He was shocked at what his master did next that he couldn't finish his sentence.

Rai layed down on the couch, his head in Frankenstien's lap. He looked up at Frankenstien and reached a hand to his face. Frankenstien put his hand on Rai's and looked at him with loving eyes.

Frankenstein leaned down and kissed his master. Rai blushed and deepened the kiss. When the two parted for air Frankenstein grabbed his master to put him in his lap.

Sitting in his lap facing Frankenstein, Rai smiled, putting his hand in Frankenstein's hair, leaning towards him. "Frankenstein."

Frankenstein smiled. "Yes, Master?" "What do you desire?" He asked him, running his fingers in Frankenstein's hair.

He thought about what his Master said for a minute, "Kiss me." Rai kissed his lightly, to see Frankenstein's reaction. His face was red, and through there bond, they could feel each other's love.

Frankenstein then grabbed a hand full of his Master's hair and pulled him closer, deeping the kiss. His tongue stroking Rai's. Frankenstein was kissing him hungrily, devouring, him. Rai gripped Frankensteins hair, matching Frankenstein's movement.

After a few minutes, the two parted for air, panting. Both there lips we're swollen. Rai stroked Frankenstein's cheek, and Frankenstein leaned in to his touch. "I love you, Frankenstein." Rai whispered where only Frankenstein could hear. Frankenstein smiled, "I love you to Master."

♡♡♡Please don't forget to vote and comment, and if you have a request please comment below or message me. Also if you want me to write a part two please let me know.♡♡♡

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