Request #9

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Picture by:
Sawitry on DeviantArt.
Video by: Evil Rutabaga

This request is:
(Uke) Frankenstein x (Seme) Rai.
This request is from:
A/n: Lol this is my first time writing a NSFW. I read a few to kinda help me. Sorry if it's not that good. WARNING: This is a NSFW.

Frankenstein was having a horrible day. In his office, he had a lot of paperwork. He had stacks all on the desk as well as around it. If it wasn't bad enough, that he had so much paperwork to do, he had a few kids sent to his office. After dealing with those bad kids, he sighed.

Raizel was in his classroom, when he felt his bonded's stress through there bond. He thought of some ways to calm him down. 'Mabe I could run my fingers through his hair, give him a kiss and tell him everything's going to be alright, and cuddle with him. That usually worked.' Rai thought as he faintly smiled.

"Ssst. Rai's smiling." Shinwu whispered to Ikhan. Ikhan stoped his frantic typing to look at him, then Rai. Rai was indeed smiling. "Mabe, he's happy." Ikhan replied, not wanting to disturb him.

When the bell rang, indicating school was over, the kids were all at Rai's desk. "Ready to go to PC Bang?" Shinwu asked. Everyone nodded and replied yeah, but Rai shook his head no. "What! Why?!" Shinwu asked before getting hit by Ikhan. The girl's giggled, as Regis sighed.

"I have... something I need to do." Rai replied as he stood up and walked towards the door. "Oh ok. Have fun!" Yuna yelled as he left.

"That's odd." Sui said once he was gone. They all nodded there heads in agreement. "Well mabe he has something exciting for today. He was smiling for a long time in class." Shinwu replied. "I agree." Ikhan nodded.

Rai was making his way to Frankenstein's office, smiling a peaceful smile. When he made it, he opened the door to see his bonded leaning back in his chair, his glasses off, and rubbing his eyes. He heard a small "click" as the door locked. He looked up to see his Master walking in.

He stood up and bowled. "Master, Is there something you need?" He asked. Standing back up straight, he looked at his Master. His crimson eyes looked at his softly, his eyes looking into his own midnight blue eyes. "Frankenstein, come here." Rai said as he sat down, on the white couch.

Frankenstein complied, sitting next to his Master. "Ma..." He was interrupted by a hand playing with his hair. "Shh. Everything is going to be ok. Relax." He did as he was told, leaning towards the touch.

Rai smiled, leaning down to give him a small peck on the lips. Pulling away, he looked at the blond. Frankenstein whined when his master pulled away. Rai smiled and kissed him again, a little harder. Frankenstein opened his mouth and Rai slipped his tongue in, mapping his mouth, before feeling Frankenstein's tongue moving with his.

He pull Rai closser, kissing him hungry, devouring him with need, as he felt his pants began to tighten. 'Master!' Frankenstein moaned through the bond. Rai pulled back, to looked at his beautiful Frankenstein.

"Master..." Frankenstein moaned, his face tented a faint pink. Rai then felt his own arousal growing hard. He pulled Frankenstein into his lap as he started to strip him of his shirt. Once his shirt was on the floor, Rai licked and nibbled a trail from his lips down to his neck. He sucked on his neck, then bitting down, earning a low moan.

His hand trailed down the blond's chest, down his stomach, then to his belt. He undid his belt as Frankenstein moved up to help his master, get them off. He gasped as he felt the cold air on his hard manhood.

Rai then moved his lips to his left nipple and sucked lightly, as he rubbed and twisted his right nipple.  He continued as Frankenstein began to moan louder.

He begain to grind against his Master seeking friction, panting. Rai released his nipples letting out a pleased moan. Looking up at him, his face was red, eyes closed, mouth open, and his blond hair moving with him. "F-frankenstein... u-undress me." Frankenstein quickly ripped off his masters cravet, blazer, and shirt, throwing it on the floor.

Rai pushed on Frankenstein, until he  was on his back, between his legs. Shredding his pants, his hard cock was free. He put his fingers in Frankenstien's mouth, for him to suck. He sucked on them, running his tongue all around them.

When Rai thought they were wet enough, he slid them out of his mouth. Frankenstein was whimpering as he pulled them out.

He leaned forward and kissed Frankenstein, as he pushed one finger in. Frankenstein moaned into the kiss, wanting more.

Rai deepened the kiss as he added a second finger in, making a Scissoring motion. Frankenstein plulled back a little. "M-master... please." Frankenstein begged painting.

Rai pulled his fingers out, looking at him. He positioned his manhood to Frankenstein's entrance. Pushing in he groaned as Frankenstein moaned, "Master!" Once all the way in, he put his hands on Frankenstein's hips, only to pull almost all the way out, before slaming back in, creating a fast pace.

Frankenstein was moaning louder as Rai was thrusting faster, hitting his prostate with each thrust. The two were moving with and against each other in ecstasy. "A-ah! M-master..... Please!" Frankenstein yelled as he was getting closer to completion.

Rai was now thrusting inhumanely into him, moaning lounder. He reached down, stroking Frankenstein. That pushed him over the edge. Frankenstein came, clenching down as his orgasm took over yelling, "Master!" "Ah!" Rai moaned, loudly as he came, deep down in Frankenstein.

He pulled out, laying on top of Frankenstein, panting. "Frankenstein... I... love you." Rai said breathlessly. Frankenstein smiled, wrapping his arms around him, "I love you to master."

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