-1- Hi?

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"Y/N sweetheart! Hurry up please I need to get going!" my mother yelled from down stairs

"One minute mom!" I yelled back. I closed my suitcase and look at myself in the mirror one last time. I brushed any dust off of my F/C top and headed downstairs with my bags.

"Okay mom, I think I got everything?" I said looking at my two bags and then up at my mother "and if I dont I can always come back"

She nodded and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear "Come on now, lets get going"

It was about an hour drive from my home to the Mell's which gave me plenty of time to be bored in a car. I put my earbuds in and began playing music as I stared out the window.

I watched as the trees passed by becoming blurs, the sky was a brilliant blue not a single cloud to be seen. I smiled at this as I felt my eyes get heavy.

I blinked slowly as consciousness left me and I fell asleep.

I felt someone lightly tap my shoulder "Y/N, Honey wake up we're here" I heard my mother say to me. I let out an annoyed groaned as I opened my eyes and looked up at my mother and gave her a weak smile.

I got out of the car stretching as I rubbed my eyes still being half asleep. I grabbed my things and followed my mom to the house.

The door opened before my mother had the chance to knock and she was quickly pulled into a hug by a women who looked to be around her age.

I stood awkwardly behind my mother as I yawned, "OH! Y/N Darling look at how much you've grown!" she said engulfing me into a hug "You've become such a beautiful young lady!" "A-Ah, thank you Ms. Mell" I said awkwardly hugging back.

"oh gosh I'd love to stay and catch up but I really have to go, Y/N Darling be good, and it was great seeing you again" my mother said giving Ms.Mell a hug and kissing me on the top of my head. "By mom." I said giving Small wave as she drove away.

I followed Ms.Mell into the house as she explained that I'd be sharing a room with Michael since their guest room was now a storage room but there was an extra bed in Michael's room so it should be fine.

"Thank you Ms.Mell for letting me say here" I said giving here a smile as I looked at the walls and pictures that hung up while she lead me up the stairs and to Michael's room.

She opened the door and i was instantly hit with the smell of weed that make me start to cough "Oh, im sorry about that sweetie. Michael Smokes he says it helps him with stress and all that" she gave me a small smile "I'll tell him to do it somewhere else so the smell doesnt bother you"

"T-Thank you Ms.Mell" i choking back a small cough as I got used to the smell. I placed my bags down onto the spare bed "If you need anything feel free to ask, My bedroom is right down the hall" she went to close the door before stopping "Oh and Michael is in the basement with his friend Jeremy if you want to go see him, I know how you two used to be the best of friends!" she gave me a bright smile and closed the door.

Jeremy? Jeremy heere? Isn't that the boy who hung out with me and Michael all the time? I thought to myself remembering that it was always me, Michael, and Jeremy when we were little, The three of us promised to be friends forever. Until I moved and never saw them again.

I sighed sitting down on the bed as I put my head into my hands "This is gonna be a long year L/N, I can already tell"

I stood up and opened the dresser that Ms.Mell told me I would be keeping my clothes in and that she had Michael clean out his old one so I could use it.

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