-8- The Plan

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I heard a blaring alarm going off which caused me to open my eyes, I went to move to turn it off but I couldn't.

I felt two arms wrapped around my waist that kept me from moving, I groaned and pushed Michaels chest trying to wake him up.

"Michael wake up"

No response


Still nothing


"W-What! I-Im Up!" he tried to sit up but did it to quick which caused him to fall off the bed

I crawled to the edge of the bed and looked down at Michael who was laying on the floor

"So, is it comfortable down there?"

"Oh extremely, you should join me"

Michael quickly reached up and grabbed my wrist pulling me onto the floor and onto of him. He made a loud 'oof' sound as I landed on him and began laughing

"D-did you r-really think that was a good idea!" I said through laughter as Michael was trying to catch his breath

"Y-y-yea! b-but I-I guess it wasn't!"

After a fit of laughter and us finally catching our breath I looked down and smiled at him. He leaned up and kissed my forehead "You're so beautiful y/n"
"Yea I know no need to remind me" I grinned and got off of him while brushing the dust off of me

I reached out a hand to help Michael up which he gladly took.

I looked over at him and laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest.

After a couple of minutes, we went our own way and began getting ready for school.

"So Michael. I think I have an idea on how we can get Jeremy back"

We got into his car and he looked over at me and smiled before placing his hand on top of mine.

"Im love you L/n"

"I love you too Mell"

The school day dragged on and seemed to go slower with every hour that passed, Eventually, it was time for the play.

Michael and I sat in the audience waiting until the perfect moment. When that finally happened he kissed my cheek and ran backstage leaving me in the audience.

Michaels POV

I ran backstage with the mountain dew in my hand.

I kicked open the doors and yelled

"Michael makes an entrance!"

"MICHAEL!" Jeremy yelled at me

"Wait, you came to see me in the play?"

"Well duh, I was sitting in the audience thinking 'wow this is really good for a school play' 'THIS IS WAY TO GOOD FOR A SCHOOL PLAY'


I sat in the audience watching everything play out from Michael and Jeremy talking, to the bottle of mountain dew being thrown across the stage.

I wanted to run up there and help them but Michael made me swear to him that I wouldn't help because he didn't want me getting hurt.

Once the cast was finally unsquipped I ran onto the stage and made sure everyone was still alive and breathing while Michael called 911.

A couple of days later Michael and I were visiting Jeremy and rich in the hospital and thankfully they were ok.

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