-9- First date

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I awoke to the sound of knocking on the door

"Michael? Y/N?" a faint voice said from the other side of the door

I blinked a few times allowing my eyes to adjust to the little bit of light that was coming through the window and shining on my face.

I slid out of Michaels's grip and headed to the door, when I opened it I was greeted by Miss. Mell

I yawned and smiled at her "Hi ma'am"

She laughed and shook her head "I told you that you didn't need to call me that dear"

I smiled and nodded "So what was it you needed Ma- Ms.Mell"

She smiled at me "I just came to check on you and Michael and make sure everything is okay. So is everything okay?" I smiled and nodded

"Yeah everything's great, Michaels asleep right now but I can wake him up if you'd like?"

"Oh no it's okay dear, Do you two need anything? I'm going to the store so I'll be out for a while" She asked

I thought for a minute before answering "Mmm could you pick up some F/S (Favorite snack)"

She smiled at me "Oh of course dear! I'll be back soon, Don't get into too much trouble you too" she said winking as she walked away

I felt my face begin to flush 'That woman will be the death of me' I thought to myself. I looked over at Michael who was still asleep in his bed.

I walked over to the edge of the bed and crouched down "Michael~" I said quietly as I tapped his shoulder

"Mmm, Y-Y/N?" Michael said as he slowly opened his eyes to look at me. He smiled sweetly as he leaned forward to give me a kiss

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and smiled "Good morning Mikey"

"good morning love"

I let out a small laugh "Ya know, I never did tell you me and Jeremy broke up yet you still went and asked me out"

Michaels's face went a bright pink "O-Oh yeah I just hoped you'd leave him for me"

I let out a laugh and ruffled Michaels's already messed-up hair. "Yeah well, It ended the day everything happened. I don't know why we were together anyways I never really felt much of a connection?"

He looked at me and frowned a little "You Didn't just say yes because you were hurt about Jeremy did you?"

I sighed and gave him a small smile "No I don't think so micha I-I really do like you. Jeremy just came onto me first and I confused my feelings I don't want to rush however so can we take things slow?"

Michael sat up and reached out for my hand and kissed it "Of course my love, I'll never push you into anything okay?"

I smiled and leaned in for a kiss "Okay" I said as I rested my forehead against his. There was silence between us but it wasn't an awkward silence it was a sweet silence of us just enjoying each other's presence

After a couple of minutes of silence, Michael finally spoke "Y-Y/N Would you Uuh Maybe wanna um. Go on a date? And Treat this as a real relationship?"

I thought for a moment before agreeing "Where are we gonna go?"

Michael stayed quiet for a moment before answering "You don't worry about that, Just go put on your best outfit and I'll take care of the rest"

I laughed and looked at him "Like right now?"

"Yes like right now"

I rolled my eyes and stood up "Okay mell, I'll go get ready" I walked over to my dresser and pulled out A black pair of slightly ripped jeans, a Brown off the shoulder sweater, and some brown wedges to match the top

I looked over at Michaels bed to see that he had already left 'What is that boy planning' is all I could think as I got ready

I eventually walked out of the bedroom after getting ready and looked around for Michael "Michael?" I called out into the house but got no response.

"Uh, Michael!" I called out once more to get no response 'What the hell? Where is he' is all I could think as I walked from room to room without finding him. I finally reached the living room when I saw Michael sitting on the couch with his headphones on and flowers in his hand.

I laughed and walked up to him taking the headphones off of his head "Michael I've been calling you for like 5 minutes why Didn't you answer?"

He looked up at me and blushed "O-Oh I um I didn't hear you I'm sorry" He stood up and looked me up and down causing him to blush even more "W-Wow you look stunning Y/N"

I smiled and thanked him "Thank you, Michael you look very handsome as well," I said as I looked at his outfit which was a pair of dark jeans and a white button-up top with a tie

"O-Oh there are for you!" He said as he handed me F/F (Favorite flower) I smiled and took them from him "Now where did you get these?" I asked looking at the flowers wondering how he got them so quickly

"I uh. I ran like 4 red lights going to the closest flower shop to get you them"

"Michael!" I said as I hit his shoulder lightly "That's dangerous! You could have got hurt, Thank you for the flowers but don't do something stupid like that again"

He rolled his eyes and looked at me "Yes ma'am whatever you say"

I laughed a little and headed for the door "Come on mell, You wanted me to get dressed this fast let's get going to wherever it is you're taking me"

I heard him let out a from behind and heard footsteps as he followed me.

We got into the car and Michael brought me to some fancy restaurant I had never heard of "Michael, How did you manage to make it so we can eat here?" I asked shocked as this place was packed

He laughed and looked at me "I pulled a couple of strings but don't work about it my love let's just go"

He got out of the car and walked around to the other side and opened my door for me. I thanked him and we walked into the restaurant together hand in hand.

I smiled as Michael pulled out my chair for me. I sat down and we began to talk. We talked about our lives growing up after I moved away and how the school had been treating both of us.

The night continued and it felt like I was in heaven, Michael showered me with compliments the whole night and always knew just what to talk about. After the night was over we went to a park and sat on the bench staring at the stars. I looked over at Michael and smiled as I kissed his cheek. "I love you, Michael"

He looked over at me and kissed me softly "I love you too Y/N"

I let out a little laugh and leaned into him "I can't wait for what our future holds"

"Yeah. Me too love, Me too."


Hello loves! I think this might be the final chapter of this book! As much as I'd love to completely continue this story is once again, all over the place and I really don't know how to fix it without re-writing the entire story. I may write one final short chapter after this about your life in the future but for now. It was fun while it lasted. On a more happy note! I'm back :) and I'm going to be consistently updating my BMC and DEH X reader one-shot book! I will also be re-writing and posting my Connor X reader book so! If you like the stories I've made now You may like my other ones as well!

Until next time.


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