-5- What's wrong with him?

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I looked over at veronica who had arrived about 10 minutes ago "So Ronnie, how are you and Heather?"

"Oh we're doing great actually, our anniversary is tomorrow actually and i have no idea what to do... Kinda why I cam over here"

I laughed "wow, so you're just using me I see how it is"

"You know it. But really Y/N you gotta help me!" she said grabbing my shoulders and shaking me

"Alright alright ill help but stop shaking me!" I said laughing.

We went to the store and planned everything out, we wanted something cliché because veronica said heather loved that.

We decided to do a picnic with lights and flowers and all that. The plan was we'd go over to the orchard early in the morning tomorrow and set it up.

Veronica left after a few hours of us hanging out and I was currently sitting on my bed.

Michael walked into the room and looked at me "So y/n Jeremy is coming over today so do you wanna hang out with us or something?"

"Yea, that'd be great since Veronica just left" I gave him a small smile as I got up and headed to the basement with him.

After a few minutes of awkward silence there was a knock at the door, Michael quickly got up and ran upstairs to answer it while I waited until he walked back down with Jeremy.

"Hey Jeremy" I said as I looked at him weird. He wasn't wearing his normal outfit which was strange

(Okay so, Jeremy's squip is activated rn but he's allowing him to hang with Michael at points you'll see why later)

I shrugged it off as he set down next to me, it kind of made me unconformable on how close he was but I ignored it.

We continued to talk and play games here and there, something was off about Jeremy though and i knew it.

He'd brush his hand against mine, and was sitting uncomfortably close to me, and he kept making these flirty remarks that weren't normal for him.

Michael said he had to use the bathroom and was going to get more snacks so I took this as my chance to talk to him.

Jeremy POV

This is what it'll look like for squip

And this is Jeremy's thoughts

Michael left the room and Y/N looked over at me "Jeremy what is up with you?"

Say you don't know what she means

"I-I have no clue what you're talking about" i looked down at the floor and was shocked for this

Don't look like you're scared

"You've been more like, touchy and out there, and you're not wearing your normal outfit!" she said as she pointed at my shirt

'Look, Y/N there's something I need to tell you'

"Look... Y/N there's something I need to tell you"

She tilted her head slightly informing me to continue

'I like you, as in more than a friend'

W-What! I can't say that!!

'Jeremy, you have to do this. First we start with Y/N, get Brooke jealous and get with her, then we'll end on Christine'

I don't think that's a good idea

'Well of you're so astute why did you need me?'

"Jeremy, are you going to finish your sentence?" y/n asked as he slightly put her hand on my shoulder to stop me from ignoring her.

'I like you'

"I like you"

She looked at me. Not saying a word or anything she removed her hand from my shoulder.

'Kiss her'

WHAT! I can't do that!

I felt a urge take over my body as I grabbed her face and pulled it near mine, kissing her.

She didn't run, she didn't scream or hit me, but she didn't kiss back.

I pulled away and she just stared at me.

The door opened and Michael came back in with snacks and drinks "Im baaaccck! Did you miss me?" he said smiling.

Y/n looked up at Michael and ran past him and up the stairs.

He looked at the stairs and then at me "what's her problem?" I shrugged.


I sat on my bed with my head in my hands 'why, why would he do that!?' the Jeremy I knew wouldn't do that.

'It has to be something with that squip thing he has' I had no clue why he was acting that way. I brought my finger to my lips and touched them slightly

"H-he... He kissed me" I mumbled out still being in shock

I shoved my my face into my pillow and screamed "Why would he do that!" I quietly yelled out.

"And he said he likes me? What the hell"

I shook my head and grabbed my laptop I had just recently unpacked and opened it

"Time to find something about this squip thing"


Ahhh sorry this is a shorter chapter but oof do I make you and jer get together? Maybe maybe not you'll have to wait and see. But I love you all, have an amazing day/night 💙

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