-7- Im Not Leaving you

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Monday (After school that is)

And there in the corner of the room was Michael curled up into a ball crying his eyes out, a blade at his side and blood running down his wrist.


I screamed his name as I ran towards him and he looked up at me "Y-Y/N" he whispered out as he choked back sobs and wiped his face over and over again.

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, I came back with a damp rag and the first aid kit.

I gently took hold of his arms and cleaned his wrist and wrapped them in bandages.

The whole time I was doing this Michael didn't say a word, he just stared at me and let out sniffles as his tears continued to roll down his face.

Once I was finished I looked up at him and hugged him, I hugged him like he was going to vanish if let go of him.

He wrapped his arms around me and grabbed onto my shirt. I felt his tears fall onto my back soaking my shirt but I didn't care.

"I-I-Im S-So s-sorry" was all he managed to say as his breathing became unsteady and his tears began to flow even more.

I rubbed his back and hushed him "I-Its okay Michael... I. I should have paid more attention to you, I-I should have realized that you were L-Lonely"

We stayed on the floor hugging each other for what felt like an eternity until he finally spoke up

"Y-Y/N Im... Im so sorry I shouldn't of.. I just.. You and Jeremy were so happy I... I didn't want to bother you guys.."

He looked at me in the eyes and gave me a weak smile. I brought my hand up to his face and ran my thumb across his cheek.

He smiled at me and rested his hand on top of mine and before I realized what I was doing I leaned in and kissed him.

I felt sparks and the butterflies in my stomach returned. He pulled me closer to his chest and kissed me back, I ran my fingers through his hair, I didn't want this moment to end.

When we finally pulled away for air I knew it wasn't Jeremy that I loved. It was Michael and always had been.

I smiled at Michael and rested my forehead on his "Im so sorry Mikey... I promise I won't leave you again"

He took my hand in his and held it tightly. This was what I wanted, it wasn't ever Jeremy or the popularity. It was Michael and his dumb jokes and silly obsessions.


He took a deep breath and spoke again "Will uh...Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Michael" I smiled and kissed his cheek before wrapping my arms around his neck and climbing onto his lap.

"Michael, promise me you'll never scare me like that again"

"I promise"

Life was finally turning out right, the next thing was getting Jeremy back.

Sorry this was short its kinda just a filler ha, but I hope you all have an amazing day/night I love you all!  💙

This was written before I took my break, but once again I love you guys so freaking much!!!

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