-6- I.. I like you too?

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I had just left the orchard after I finished helping Veronica set up her date for her and Heather and I was currently walking home.

The problem was, I couldn't get what happened last night out of my head.

I slammed my computer shut and let out a groan. I couldn't  find anything about this Squip

"what the fuck! It's like this thing doesn't even exist!" I yelled out annoyed

Was I just going crazy? Maybe Jeremy was just changing. That's got to it be right? I mean we all change at some point.

"So.. Does he actually like me" I couldn't get that thought out of my head. I mean yea, I had a crush on him when we were little but I was like 6! I had a crush on everyone then.

It felt like I was going to explode. My head was dizzy and my stomach felt awful and had this uneasy feeling in it. But it wasn't a bad thing.

'Oh god maybe I do like him'

I shook my head trying to forget about last night and what had happened. I was refusing to have myself fall for anyone.

I decided to stop by a park that was near the house. I picked a spot under a giant oak tree that had plenty of shade.

I sat down and put my earbuds in and closed my eyes.

I felt someone tapping my forehead which caused me to open my eyes. 'Damn it I must of Fell asleep'

I looked up and came face to face with Jeremy. I felt my chest tighten and my breathing became unsteady and the feeling in my stomach came back.

"J-Jeremy! Hey! Thanks for uh waking me up!" I gave a nervous laugh and quickly stood up

He smiled and me and laughed "its fine, Hey look about yesterday I get that I came on too strong and might have freaked you out" he took a deep breath and locked eyes with me.

"And I'm sorry for kissing you"

I felt my breathing pick up and my heart rate quickened, and the feeling in my stomach grew even more.

'Why was I feeling like this? Why was I just staring at him and not responding? Whats going on with me!'

I wanted to tell him it was fine, that I forgave him but I couldn't get the words out and instead I just stared at him.

I noticed how his posture had improved and he looked more confident, and he had become slightly more fit?

"J-Jeremy" I mumbled out as I stared at the ground. It felt like any confidence I had left me.

"Did, did you really mean it when you said you liked me?"

I took a deep breath and held it as I waited to be rejected.

I looked up at him and saw a blush spread across his face "Y-Yes" he squeaked out and he seemed to jump slightly when he hesitated

It felt millions of butterflies had been put in my stomach. Did I really like Jeremy? I did, didn't I? But what would Michael think...

'Why do I care what Michael thinks. It'snot like I care about him'

"I like you too Jeremy"

He took a step back and gave me a shocked expression "R-Really!?"

I nodded 'I did, didn't I?'

Before I knew what was happening he hugged me and whispered into my ear "so, will you go out with me then?"

I felt my face become hot as I let out a quiet 'yes'

×~×~×~×~×~time skip~×~×~×~×~×
Monday (after school that is)

Its been two months since me and Jeremy have been together and it was going well. I've become popular since I became friends with Brooke, Chloe, Jenna, Rich, and Jake, all thanks to him.

The problem was he's completely abandoned Michael and anytime I bring it up to him he just ignores the question. I've been ignoring Michael too though, I've been spending so much time with the 'popular' kids I don't see him as much. And when I do its late at night right before we go to sleep, and at points, I come home so drunk because everyone made me drink that we don't even speak.

I looked around me and at everyone faces. We were currently in Jake's house setting things up for his Halloween party that was being held in two days.

"Hey Y/N can you go get the streamers I think they're in the kitchen or something" Jake yelled over to me from the Living Room

"Yea one sec!"

I headed into the kitchen and found the streamers "son of a gun"

Of course, they were on they were on top of the fridge 'what moron put them on the fridge!?'

I groaned as I stood on my tippy-toes and tried to grab them. I almost had ahold of them when I felt someone grab my waist which caused me to turn around and slap them.


I looked at Jeremy who was crouched over one was holding his face in pain and had a red hand mark on his cheek 

"Oh my god! Im so sorry Jeremy you just scared me!"

He stood up and gave a small laugh "its uh, fine" I smiled as I stood on my tippy toes and lightly kissed him.

It didn't feel right though

When we first started dating I felt butterfly's from just being around him and when we kissed I'd feel sparks. But I haven't felt like that recently

I pulled away and looked at Jeremy who had a somewhat nervous expression on.

"I-is everything okay Jer?"

"I uh." he jumped a little bit when he paused "Ithinkweshouldbreakup" he quickly spoke and looked away from me

I stepped away from him and nodded slightly. I started to walk out of the kitchen and to the front door "Y/N! Wait!"

I stopped and looked over my shoulder "J-Just don't J-Jeremy you want to break U-Up that's Okay." I took a deep breath

"I-If we're being honest I, I don't think I ever liked you. I think I just liked the idea of being with someone im, Im sorry Jeremy but it was obvious that you didn't like me either"

Mention of self-harm soon if this bothers you please don't read much farther

I choked back tears as I turned and left Jake's house.

I ran home trying my best to stop the tears from flowing down my face.

I never liked him. I didn't love him! Why am I crying over him then? Is it the fact that I thought someone cared and they didn't... Or am I not crying because of him.

I looked at the driveway to see that only Michael's car was home. Which was good because it meant one less person to deal with.

I wiped my face and choked back sobs. I opened the door and instantly felt an awful feeling set on me.

I began to walk upstairs and the closer I got to my room the louder crying became.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

And there in the corner of the room was Michael curled up into a ball crying his eyes out, a blade at his side and blood running down his wrist.


Authors note

Wow this chapter had lots of ups and downs, sorry but I need to add some emotional things in but hope you all have an amazing day/night I love you all 💙

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