-2- I'm Such An idiot!

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I sat on my bed as I scrolled through my phone going from app to app, I eventually fell back onto my bed and let out a sigh.

I looked over to my left to look at the alarm clock Michael had on his bedside table as the numbers '4:45' flashed. It had gotten late pretty quick but you still had light left outside.

I grabbed my Earbuds and plugged them into my phone and began playing F/S (favorite song) as I closed my eyes and laid back down on the bed.

I felt someone lightly shaking me as I slowly opened my eyes to come face to face with michael. I sat up and gave him a confused look as I stretched and let out a small groan.

"What do you want Mell" I said as I looked at him yawning. I saw a faint blush spread across his face "U-Um I was told to tell you dinners ready..." he mumbled out looking at the ground as he turned around to leave.

I looked to my left and at the clock '6:02'
"Damn, was i that tired?" I said outloud to no one. I stood up and headed downstairs rubbing my eyes.

"What's for dinner Ms.Mell? I asked walking into the kitchen "F/F!" she said excited "I wanted to make you feel welcomed here and I knew it was your favorite" she set the food onto the table and ushered me to sit down.

"Thank you so much Ma'am you really didn't have to do this for me" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck as I felt small blush spread across my face in embarrassment.

"It was no problem, I wanted to!"
"So Mikey, how was school today?" she asked looking over at Michael who hadn't said a word the whole time.

He looked up from his plate "O-Oh, well I mean it was school. The lady at 7/11 gave me a generous amount of slushie so that was cool I guess" he said shrugging as he played with his food

"okay.. So y/n are you excited to start school tomorrow?" she looked over at me. I swallowed the food I had in my mouth and smiled as I put my elbows on the table.

"If we're being honest no, and hopefully I won't want to blow up the school or murder someone here but i might, or might not who knows" I said giving a small smile as I took another bite of my food while her and Michael looked at me shocked.

"o-oh well o-okay..."
I laughed "Im Kidding! Not really but still"

The rest of dinner was quite minus small talk here and there.

'You fucking idiot! Why the hell did you say that' I internally yelled at myself as I sat on my bed with my head in my hands

'they probably think you're a psychopath! You moron!'

I let out a small scream "GOD! Im such an idiot! I can't do anything right can I!" I slammed my fist onto my bed in anger

"I don't think you're an idiot if that makes you feel any better"
I looked up to where the voice came from to see Michael standing in the doorway

"O-Oh you heard that?" I mumbled out looking at the ground. He laughed "Yea, but its fine" he jumped onto his bed and laid down.

"So L/N tell me about yourself, since its been years since we've seen eachother" he said staring at the ceiling

"Well... I like F/H (favorite hobby), my favorite color is F/C, my favorite animal is F/A, ummm I like dark/lively colors, im 17, uuuhh that's it I guess?" I said shrugging not knowing what to tell him

He nodded "You like video games?"

"Are you serious? Of course I do"
I could see a small smile appear on his face. "Favorite slushie flavor?"

I smiled "well I love cherry a lot but (flavor) is my personal favorite"
(Mines blue raspberry or cola. Either separate or mixed)

He laughed "Mines Cherry, so you like sushi?"

I gave a small laugh "Yes/no"

He nodded his head "alright, so are you scared about tomorrow?" he asked looking at me and raising one eyebrow

I shrugged "I mean, kinda but I should be fine... I hope" I said whispering the last part

"You'll be fine, especially since your mom made sure we'd have the same schedule"

I looked at him surprised "W-What?"

"Yea, your mom basically forced the school to make sure your schedule matched mine and my mom backed her up" he said letting out a sigh

I groaned and fell back onto my bed "Well that's just great"

"Yea it is" he looked at his clock "well we should be getting ready for bed"

I looked over at the clock '10:05' "holy shit it got late fast"

He laughed at me and nodded, he stood up and walked over to his closet taking off his hoodie and hanging it up and removing his tanktop that he had on underneath

I looked at his back not knowing what to do, my face was probably a bright red by now.

He slid his pants off leaving him in his boxers 'please don't remove those, please don't remove those" I silently prayed to myself as I watched him. I couldn't seem remove my eyes as I looked at him up and down.

I hear him laugh "Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer" he said turning around as he walked to his bed and got under his blankets

"I-I wasn't I-I didnt" I stuttered out nonsense being in flustered state

"Chill its fine, im kidding" he said giving me small laugh which I nodded to. "Uh, are you going to sleep in your clothes?"

I looked down "O-oh no.." I got up and headed to my dresser as I pulled out my Pajamas "I-ima go change in the bathroom" I mumbled walking out of the room

I closed the door to the bathroom and leaned up against it "Holy shit"  I breathed out. He looked so much better than I imagined he would, he was fit but not super muscular. I quickly shook my head "No, bad Y/N no crushes this year" I said to myself remembering my last failed relationship

I changed into my Grey shorts and F/C tanktop and headed back to the room.

I looked over at Michael who was already asleep and was drooling on his pillow, I sighed and put my clothes away, and hung up my jacket.

I climbed into bed after plugging my phone in "Night Michael" I mumbled out before closing my eyes and going into a deep sleep.


Im gonna ya know, actually give this one a plot (kinda) and try not to rush it like before
But I hope you all have an amazing day/night I love you all 💙

I have the honor of being your obedient servant,

K. Demon

(I was gonna put my real initial and last name but naah)

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