-4- You got a what?

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Quick A/N you guys are so amazing and kind honestly I love you all so much! Im going to try to update a bit more this week but Im still in a weird mood but i feel bad for not updating so here you go and once again you're all so amazing 💙 and sorry for this chapter kinda being all over the place and kinda weird



The car ride to the mall was actually fun, I got to know Jeremy some more and found out he liked Christine which I found adorable.

And Michael blasted F/S (favorite song) Which was amazing.

Once we got to the mall Michael and Jeremy went somewhere to get something. I was sitting at the food court waiting for them trying to think of what they said they were getting

"Was it a squeak, no that doesn't make sense. A squid? No why would they even get Squid. a quick? No that doesn't make sense either"

It was bothering me that a couldn't remember what it was called until it hit me "A squip!" which I said a bit too loud which cause some people to look at me weird.

I waited for what felt like forever until the guys finally returned "Hey welcome back! It took you long enough" I said in a slightly Annoyed tone

"Yea, sorry about that Michael had to go get crystal Pepsi it-"

"its like normal Pepsi but clear!" Michael said cutting Jeremy off. I laughed at how excited he looked
"So, whats this squip thing you got?" I asked being extremely curious since I had never heard of it before.

The quickly explained that is was a Grey oblong pill that was suppose to help Jeremy become more cool and get Christine. I told him that he didn't have to change himself to get her but he insisted that he did.

It felt like we went to every store in the mall but we didn't buy anything except I got a fake little plant for mine and Michael's  room.

We got home around 7:30 since we basically spent the whole day at the mall and Michael had to take Jeremy home he dropped me off at the house.

"Hi Ms.Mell" I said greeting here as I walked in the house and took my shoes off. "Hello dear, where's Michael at?"

"Oh, he had to take Jeremy home" I said as I began to walk upstairs and i heard her yelled that dinner was in the fridge and that she was going out.

I pulled out my homework and quickly finished it which didn't take me long since it was all extremely easy.

I heard the front door opened so I headed downstairs to greet Michael who had just walked in "Hi Mikey, your mom said there's food in the fridge"

"Alright, thanks N/N" he said as he walked into the kitchen while I went it sit on the couch.

A few minutes later he walked out with Chinese for both me and him "o-oh thanks Michael you could of had it all I'm not that hungry" I said giving off an awkward laugh.

But honestly I was starving but felt like a major bother and didn't want to take the food.

"Well you need to eat as well so here" he handed me a plate he had dumped the food onto and sat beside me. We ate in silence until I took our plates to the kitchen and in the sink.

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