-3- Friends?

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I was awoken by a faint beeping sound that got louder and louder the more I woke up.

"Mell if you don't turn that off i will throw a shoe at you" I groaned out as I opened my eyes

I heard a groan come from his bed as I heard a SLAM and the alarm stopped

"Damn, why don't you just throw It across the room?" I asked as I stood up and stretched and headed to my dresser

"Hey Mikey what time does the bus come?"

"What?, we're not taking the bus"

I looked over at him to see he was sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes "im driving us to school"

I made a 'oh' noise remembering that he had a car. I turned back around and pulled out jeans, my dark blue flannel and my F/C jacket.

I turned to see Michael was now standing up and stretching "W-WHOA" I squeaked out covering my eyes

"What the hell is your problem?" I heard him ask

"I think you're uhhh, little friend is up" I mumbled out still covering my eyes

"Wha- OH!" he said realizing what I had meant.

I heard movement, the opening of his drawers and someone falling.

I removed my hands from over my eyes to see that he was on the floor but was now wearing jeans.

I walked over to him and held out a hand to help him up. "Um im sorry you had to see that" he said giving a awkward laugh and scratching the back of his neck.

I laughed "its fine honestly, now if you'll excuse me ima go change" I said as I headed out of the room and to the bathroom.

I changed and looked into the mirror as I put my hair up/ left it alone.

I walked backed into the room expecting to see Michael but he was no where to be found. I shrugged and put away my pajamas, grabbed my phone and earbuds and headed downstairs to get breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen to see Michael eating cereal, I walked past him and grabbed a granola bar seeing that i wasn't that hungry in the mornings.

I went to the living room and sat on the couch as I got on my phone and waited for time to pass.

"hey, N/N you ready to go?" I heard Michael ask as he walked out of the kitchen "Yep!"

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door with Michael behind me. I went to open my door but before I could Michael ran infront of me and stopped me "What the hell?"

"Let me do this" he opened the door door for me, I smiled and thanked him as he closed the door and ran to the other side of the car opening the door and throwing his bag into the back seat then getting into the drivers seat.

"You didn't have to do that you know?" I said looking over at him as he started up the car and we began to move.

He shrugged "well I wanted to"

I rolled my eyes and plugged my earbuds into my phone as my music started playing.

I stared out the window watching cars pass us and the trees turn into moving green blobs.

I looked forwards and saw the school growing closer and closer. the closer we got to it the more my anxiety increased and the bigger the pit in my stomach grew.

Michael parked the car, grabbed his bag and ran to my side of the car and opened it for me "Thanks" I mumbled out looking at the ground.

I walked behind him and realized something "Mikey, why does your bag say 'riends'?" he sighed "Some jerk did it, just don't worry about it"

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