Chapter Three // The Ferris Wheel

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*skip to 6pm*
Tom and I had practically ridden every ride here and played half the games when the sun started setting. Being a romantic, he grabbed my hand and led me towards the ferris wheel. I gave the man our tickets, and he led us on the ride. Tom sat normally in the cart, but I laid down and rested my head on his lap. His hand started playing with my hair as I looked up towards the sky, watching the sun set. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Tom staring at me.
"What?" I said with a small smile on my face.
"You're just so beautiful."
"Aww I love you." Tom leaned down to give me a kiss, and I definitely kissed back.
Suddenly he pulled back saying, "Wait...did you say you loved me?"
My face immediately turned bright red.
He chuckled, seeing my embarrassment, and said, "Hey babe it's okay...I love you too."
I smiled so big my face hurt as he leaned down again. Our kisses were sweet, but passionate. Needing to catch my breath, I pulled away leaving only our foreheads touching. Looking up at the sky, I realized it was night time and all the stars were in the sky, shining so bright. Soon, the ferris wheel reached the bottom, and Tom and I got off the ride hand in hand.

Night Changes // Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now