Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

There's this huge disadvantage of being alone - your thoughts are more complicated to be banned from your mind than usual.

What is Louis doing? Is he scared that I'll never come back? Does he know in which situation I am?

I don't think so because who should have told him? And if he knew he would have found a way to get me out of here in no time.

I am sitting on the bed, knees still pulled to my chest as I stare at the white wall. I don't know what time it is, every sense of time and place has left me.

The wall is too white. I hate the colour. It seems so similar to a hospital and in a hospital there a too many doctors who have too many needles. I hate needles, not that they hurt but I associate them with me being kidnapped and that also means me being kept away from Lou.

I hate it. But I don't know what to do.

Louis would probably tell me to stay strong.

Louis. My Lou.

I feel tears running down my cheeks but I'm not strong enough to lift my hand to wipe them away, so I just let them stream down my face. A choked sob escapes my mouth and hearing this sound I lose it all.

I think I have never cried so much in my whole life but I just can't help it. Everything gets too much and I don't know how to cope with it.

The time passes by and nothing happens. How can I get out of here? I need to escape.

Slowly my cries die down and I try to concentrate on finding a way out. The problem is that I don't even know where I am. How am I supposed to get out of here, when I don't even know where to run?

I think I have to wait until my kidnappers or this annoying woman come back. Maybe I can shock them and run. I could at least give it a go, it is better than doing nothing.

So I sit there, doing nothing but waiting for my chance to flee.

My thoughts rest with Louis. His amazing sapphire blue eyes and the wrinkles around them. The little but always present smile and his soft brown hair that I love to run my hands through. What is he doing now?

Is he thinking about me?

I have no idea of how much time has passed as suddenly the door is opened again and the small blond-haired woman comes in. Although I didn't believe they would come back so early, I jump up and rush past her, through the still open door. It's obvious that she didn't think I could try to run because the last second before I turn round the corner I can see her shocked face.

The narrow corridor seems to be endless and I run as fast as I can. Then, finally, I can see a door in front of me and I open it quickly. I'm outside in a huge garden. There are so many colourful flowers and if I wasn't being followed and if I didn't know what this is, I would have thought this is just a truly beautiful place to relax. It doesn't fit.

Quickly my eyes scan the area seeking for a way out of the garden and I find a gate made of iron which parts the mansion of the kidnappers from the 'reality'. I try to run towards it but I stumble over my feet and fall down. Hurridly I get up and look behind me just to see the woman coming my way shouting at some other people to catch me. Shit.

I turn and run towards the gate. When I reach it I try to pull it open but with horror I realise it's locked. I'm caged.

Fear stuck in my bones I turn around and face the kidnappers circling me, so I can't escape. The small woman takes a deep breath and then walks towards me, stopping two metres in front of me.

"Where do you think you are going?", she demands to know. I swallow dryly and say nothing.

Now everything will be worse than before, because they know that I want to flee and I'll try again and again. I'll try as long as necessary to escape.

Slowly she comes up to me and then grabs my hand surprisingly firm. It nearly hurts as she drags me along, back into the huge building.

During walking she murmurs some things I don't understand. I don't need to, to know that they weren't good praises about me. But I don't mind. The only thing I do mind is Louis. I want to keep my promise and come back to him but with being caught again, I know it'll be even more difficult now, maybe it's even impossible.

The woman pushes me into the room I was in before and closes the door after a talk, muscular guy and she came in. I stumble into the corner and sink down, leaning heavily against the wall.

What do I do now?

"We are going to run a few tests now, some others tomorrow, if you have survived until then.", she says coldly. I look at her and see the anger in her eyes, she won't make this easy for me.

"Firstly, I'll ask you some questions and I'll put this -", she shows me a small high-tech device, "- on you, to tell me when you're lying or saying the truth."

I just nod. It's not like I can do anything against it.

She clips the instrument on my finger and then takes a step back.

"Let's see if this is working.", she mumbles to herself before speaking up.

"What is your full name?"

"Harry Edward Styles.", I answer quietly and she nods triumphately, feeling like she has finally broken my resistance. A small thin smile climbs up her mouth.

"Where and when were you born?", she asks.

I decide to act like I don't know about my life in the past and answer half truthfully: "I was born in London in 2115."

Then, suddenly the device starts blinking in a red light. Oh god, this really is high-tech. It's not just measuring the heart beat and blood pressure. This seems to know everything I do. It knows what is going on in my brain.

I'm not save with it.

And neither is Louis.

Oh no, my Lou.


Sorry for not updating on sunday, I was really busy..

I'm not at home this weekend and I don't have wifi there, so I can't update sunday either (this is why I'm doing it now..)

Next update is next sunday (29th of June)

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