Chappy 5- the choice to stay or go?

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Authors note: hello guess who back. Sorry I haven't up dated in so long, I have just be really busy and lost the passion for this story but I am bring it back now, so expected more chapters coming soon.

Thank you all for reading.

Kickkat xx

Lucy POV

Everyday insist the same guild hall, feeling my body change for the new power. As I sit there the only people who will talk to me are Gajeel,Lily, happy, Laxus and master. At first I was ok with it I through they would include me again; that,never happened because of her. The girl behind my suffering and problems the girl who is always snogging my old boyfriend and ex- best friends. Everyday I felt myself snapping, I was holding back and my emotion was taking control of my actions. I became scared to do anything to help myself. The guild antes would hit me with magic bottles anything they can lay her hands on . That day was the final straw.

I can remember it clearly. Happy and Lily were sat next to me talking about the dragon power ( I only told them and my real family) suddenly a ball of fire came charging up my body, I was really on fire. Running out the building I dived into the swimming pool putting it out. Looking around I saw everyone -minus some- laughing . Natsu Gray and Ezra hurt me the most that day, they set me on fire and I promised myself I would do the same to them. One day I will be stronger then them." You all may laugh now but soon I will be the one laughing as you burn to the ground with your little club of stupid fairies." I screamed running inside. I charged straight to the master and told,him I had to leave.
" you will come back Lucy" it was a easy question I knew the answer straight away."
"Yes!" Wait I sad the wrong thing, " but I will not be the same" there it is the kick ass Lucy,
"Good luck my child and please come home to me and your true family. I will is you." Masters line made me cry as I would miss him to, my grandfather.
" bye bye grandfather" I told, closing the door behind me.
" goodbye fairytail" I spoke into the guild door closing it slowly but I knew the dragon slayers would have heard me but I didn't care. Let them!

Every street I walked by held a memory of fairy tail, it was getting sick and horrible. I hated it but I still walked into the heart of the town where my flat stood by the river bank. I walked along the river bank with plue next to me . I felt happy with him. It didn't change much. I was finally at my flat, before I pushed the door open I was hoping for someone to be there, them just to break in but no there was no one only me and plue. Everywhere I looked in my house I saw my old friends laughing, talking, fighting with each other, eating cake and fish. This was the moment I found myself missing them but they chose to join her not me. I wanted them back but I couldn't have them back. I hated this they made me insane driving me mad with the people I have lost, I have to leave before it gets to late.

At my desk I left 4 notes for the people I need to say goodbye to. I had one for the lad lady I placed under her door way and the other three were to the fairy tail guild, more importantly they were addressed to different people. I had written one for the hole guild, one for my grandfather and the other for team Natsu and the people who did care for me. I didn't want to write one for Gajeel the flying cats and Laxus as I knew it wasn't the end. It took Virgo and I ages to finish packing up my clothes, she keep some things back wt the sprit world in case I need it at anytime. With me I my ruck sack and a large handbag these had the on,y things I need in them. That was it I was finally off, I looked around my room one last time and saw what I needed to see for me to leave. The moment I believed Natsu and let my guard down the movement it was no longer pure. The moment we had the frickly-frackly, my blood started to boil at the last part.
"good bye old home. Make someone as happy as you made me" Really. Lucy it was a house, not cool not cool.

Once again I had no where to go, once again I was a runaway with no home. Before fairy tail I had one but I can't go back. I have lost a home at fairy tail. I now have no one, only some letters but they are no help. The world is pushing me out and they don't want me to be happy. I shall go to a place where I can't not be happy with anyone only myself, the place where I can be alone. An only cabin in the woods by a river and places for food. The place this nightmare closed my eyes onto. The cabin I saw the girl at. It is perfect no one will be there and I can be free by my self until the time is right for me and my family to be together again. Where ever they are?

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