Chappy 11-Explain

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"Do Not say that name her." A white haired girl stepped forward. She had short white hair with blue eyes. I did not like the tone she spoke to me with.

"Why not she is my family. We have similer blood in our vains." I called back.

"Miss Gia. Grey and I would like to answer all your question if you met us at the sunshine cafe in 30 minutes." Erza stepped forward, she was quite nice and I felt like she did not want to cause any trouble. For some reason my eyes drifted towards the pink haired guy, Natsu I think his name was. He had an angry expression on his face as soon as I said Lucy's name but that soon changed to guilt. He had done something I knew it.

Ace, Lava and I walked down the hills path, the blazing earth sun was on my back causing it to heat up. The one thing I wish I could take back with me to the dragon world is the sun; just love it. The walk was a pleasent one. I saw a lot of different things, for example the river caught my eye. It ran across the hole town and made it look amazing, this town had a homely feel to it.

We came to a sign that had 'sun shine cafe' written on the board in a lovely light blue and pink colours. Outside the cafe it looked like an old cottage with a few seats outside. Up the building was flowers, I could see; red and yello roeses and a bunch of tulips mixed in. It was amazing. There was a french door that opened up to the inside of the cafe which was amazing to look at, the middle was taken up by a giant counter, it was holding different cakes and sweet to but and look at. The tables were evenly spreed around the room. "Good morning Ladies would you like a table" A teen aged girl about 19 came up to us. She has red hair placed in a bun and she wore a boiling hot oufit. Good can earth get any better.

"Sure. Can we have a table for 5 please. We have some friends coming." Ace told the girl. Ace is more a people person and Lava is more a hack into a compture while she drinks type. My friends and I are so differemt but that makes it interesting.

As we sat down and order food and drink, I had a honey cone milksake. It just sounds amazing. Ace and Lava began talking about the dragon world and how it compares to this one. But I zooned out after that. I began thinking about my sister and what happened to make her leave a bunch of people who were alright and nice. Deep into my trail of thought Erza came and tapped me on the back with a guy right behind her. Must be Gray. He had light dark blue almost black hair and grey eyes. He was ok I guess, I did not really see or talk to him on the hill.

"Gia, Ace, Lava can we sit down" Erza asked. She is so nice.

"Yes, make yourself at home."Lava said pointing to the empty seats. "We got them for you."

"So Erza explain what you can about my sister Lucy ." I just came out with the truth. They have been sending me on a goose chase all day and I still have no answers.

"Well we don't know much." Gray spoke. He had a power voice. "Natsu and Lucy had feelings for eachother. one night Lisanna came home and Natsu pushed Lucy away and danced with Lisanna. So Lucy went home crying and Natsu stayed until the night when he went to Lucy's flat. They had some moments, if you know what I mean -yes we do and gross- The next day Lucy smelled of Natsu."

"Lisanna hated them together to she tricked him into taking Lucu of the team. She ran home crying and we have not seen her seence apart from the letter she left us." Erza finished Gray. "Is she well?" Man they were good friends.

"Yes every well. She is training to become the dragon queen and take over our evil mother." I spat on my mothers name. When I said that their faces went up like a light, I think they were happy for her. We sat on the cafe for a few minuets just to finish off out drinks and food. My milkshake was wonderful, almost like Phoenix. Man he love how much the human world had changed compared to our last time here. That was years gal when mum was nice and let every dragon go and be free. No still knows why she did that, I hope Lucy's changes that.

Ace, Lava and I finish off the meal and headed to the market to scoop out anything nice. Lucy needs a pick me up from what I found out. Natsu and Lisanna should rot in hell together. I could make it like that. The hell dragon and I go well back. We are family almost.

Looking around the many unfamiliar stools, I found a perfect little dragon bracelet. It was a black dragon with a purple ribbon around it with right purple eyes. Perfect! I believe should would really like it and it is kind of funny. Think about it ? On the same stool I found a arrow bracket,,it was a golden arrow on a green and black bracelet. I loved it. Bows and arrows are my favourite weapons. I have loads. For Phoenix I ground a bright red ring a few stool away. Lucky everything was cheap and still nice. I don't have much money with me. Just thinking about it, I still always wonder when a dragon needs money they always have same even without working. Magic! The only answer to unsolved science questions. I truth I believe no one can answer it. Just like no one can answer why dragons have to forms, a normal one and a big rage full monster like the hulk only bigger, different colours, have powers plus can fly. Okay. Not like the hulk then.

As the day drew to a closer, Lava wanted to go back to the dragon world as she missed her father. Ace and I were not that bothered but I am so coming back. We all strolled to where the portal pad was hidden in the waterfall. All three of us stepped into the water looking like mad men or women. I sad the magical words and all of a sudden we where surrounded by the smells and sights of home. I was finally back. Back to a world where I believe I do not belong.

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