Tracking Down

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I HAVE FINALLY UPDATED!!! I AM SO SORRY I HAVE NOT UPDATED IN SO LONG BUT I WAS NOT SURE WHERE TO GO WITH THIS STORY BUT I THINK I KNOW WHERE TO TAKE IT AGAIN. But I have words to say why it took so long. Partly because of school and hoildays but mostly because I was more lazy. 


Did I even think I would be standing in the middle of a field waiting for someone who did not know me to take me to my old town to save the people I should hate? No! I never did. The sun may of been shining down on the earth but it did not improve my mood .


That morning I was having the morning from hell ! I was awoken by the sound of dogs fight and children playing in both rooms next to mine-every floor was empty but no they had to put me next to them. Now that I had woken up I could not go back to sleep. Thanks Gia. I complete blame my sister for that habit I never used to have. At 8 am I got out of bed. Like I do every morning I wandered into the bathroom. Where the present day got even worse-The shower was broken and cold!!!!!!! But the worst part of all -after I had gotten dress, pack up and left my room- the breakfast room was empty and nobody was cooking anything until 10 am. This morning was BULLSHIT !


Giving up I left the rubbish hotel walking the long and dusty path. I walk mindlessly for about 5 hours.Not once did I give any thought in the direction I was walking. However it turns out I was walking the wrong way. I should not have woken up this morning. The worse day I have had in years.  Sitting on the ground in protest- I stayed there. Picking the grass while swearing.


Blue lights clouded my vision.


“Yo girl!”I knew that voice from somewhere. “Do you want a lift ?” He asked me. Reaching out his hand I grabbed it- I knew that hand from somewhere.


“Thank you” My voice cracked from all that swearing. Something about this man grabbed my attention. He had his top off (understandable from this weather) but the blue mark on the side of his hip reminded me of an old friend. With raven hair. Grey eyes.




The man who had helped me was…



This could not be happening, I was in a car with my topless old ice mage best friend. For some reason he did know it was me. I was not that different the only thing was my new tattoos and pink highlights in my hair. Some part of me wanted Gray to know so I could tell him, tell someone about the dragon world and my family. But he kept his mouth shut. For the whole journey, Gray was always quiet but something was different about him.


“So ice guy!” I started a sentence, causing him to gaze at me. “I was just wondering why you seem down”

He looked at me startalied. “Why am I upset! There is many different reasons. My wife and I had a argument so I went on a mission and the last thing I saw was my daughter crying her eyes out. I have been gone for three weeks. Reason two: my old team kicked me and another woman called Erza out. So it is just three of them on there now.Reason 3: My friend Lucy ran away 3 years ago and we have not hear anything from her so she could be dead.” Poor gray I am sad I asked and was so willing to hear.


‘Gray it is me Lucy’ I wanted to scream that out at the top of my lungs at that moment but I held it in.


“Dude I am so sorry. But your daughter and wife must be so worried. They will forgive you. But do not worry I am sure your guild would have looked after them like they do everyone.” I looked sadly down at my knees. I thought I was stronger than that but I was almost breaking down.


“How did you know about my guild and how it is welcoming. Why did you know about my magic powers even though I ever told you” It was in that moment the penny dropped. “Wait... “


“... Lucy”


Tears started pouring out his grey dull eyes. Soon I felt my lip starting to treble, my voice started cracking and water falling out of my eyes. We were both crying


“Gray please do not tell anyone I am here in to…” Before I could finish Gray cut me off.

“Lucy where were you. WE LOOKED FOR YOU!!!” Gray was angry but sad at the same time. Emotion came filling into my heart, is this what regret felt like.   

“Gray. I was in the dragon world training with my family. I am only here to protect the town from a dangerous threat who could kill everything and everyone 3 towns back. This is also my last test before I  can take over my mother’s place as the dragon queen.”

“Lucy.” I looked back my now red eyed friend.


“What if you want to stay?”


I never really thought about that question…

The answer was, I did not really know !

Lucy's Revenge (Fairy Tail Fan Fic )Where stories live. Discover now