Chappy 10- Don't mess with a dragon.

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"Gia how much longer." Lava moaned as we walked down the hill from out hotel.

"5 minuets." I snapped back.

"Lava just wait we will be there soon." Ace added. We have only been walking for 5 mineuts, god that dragon is lazy. Who is she so skinny? We walked alone the old streets, they were filled with market stalls. It was amazing, much better then I remember. It was so werid. Earth was such a lovely quite place where dragons came to realx. Mother made this rule that we could not come to earth anymore. But I don't follow it, I control the gate not her. So what right does she have, she is a bad dragon queen.

Stopping outside the guild, that read fairy tail. It was enchanting. Almost. I wondered what the people where like. By looking at the building they looked liked they cared about things on the other hand they made Lucy leave. She never told me what happened only that they made her leave. I am going to find out. Lava, Ace and I walked into the large guild hall. It was amzing, three floors tall, table and chairs dotted around the guild, most facing the stage. Which had a microphone on it.

"Hello may I help you." A beautfiul girl with long white hair and sky like blue eyes. She was amazing and had strong magic about her too.

"Yep. We are looking for the master." Ace asked her as I was to busy looking around.

"Right. Do you guys want to join the guild?"

"No." I told her. she just looked at me. "I just need to speak to him."

"What about." She questioned.

"Personal." She did not say a word, just pointed to a large office room. Lava and Ace just walked over to the bar. As I walked up the brown wooden steps, I looked around. Why did Lucy leave such a place it is wonderful. I slowly stepped forward to the door of the masters office. I stopped again. He will not remember me. Why am I doing this? Gia just be a brave girl and walk in there. I slowly walked forward. Knocking on the door a voice told me to come in.

In the office three people were sat around the desk, a old man which I remember to be my grandfather. The other two were dragon slayers, one my cousin Laxus. The other I had no idea who but he had iron magic. "Who are you." Laxus shouted.

"My name is Gia Heartfillia and I want to talk to you about my sister Lucy." I told the door.

"Why. What happened child." Gramps spoke.

"Long time no see gramps." He said the same back to me. "What happened to her. Why did she leave."

"Her heart was broken by Natsu a fire dragon slayer." The iron guy spoke.

"Right, she is training to become the dragon queen by the way and she is doing well."

"Wow. No way she can't do that." Laxus spat. He just called her weak in away.

"Did you call my sister weak." I let my dragon voice take over, Laxus was shivering in his boots.

"Sorry Gia. Are you a dragon?"

"Yes. So are my two friends down there." They just looked shocked. "Look I have to leave. " I stormed out of the room. I need to find one person, Natsu.

"Hi, white haired girl." She looked at me.

"Where is Natsu." I still had my dragon voice on, Lava and Ace knew I was angry at this point.

"Training on the hill" She spoke back.

Slamming the Guild doors, I ran as fast as I could to find the place he was training, he must of really hurt her but no one hurts my family. What ever he has done he shall pay. Coming up to a hill I heard serval different voices.

On top of the hill I found several different people.A girl with long scarlet red hair was training her team mates, as I guessed. there was about three boys. A raven haired one, a pink haired one. I mean pink come on that's a little girly no a lot girly I mean is he even straight. most likely not with that style of dress too. there were two white haired people who I am guessing are that Mira's siblings and a small little girl with long blue hair, I have seen her before but I can't remember where.

"Can we help you?" the white haired girl asked quite rudely, man are you sure Mira is her sister they are so different.

"Yeah I want to ask some question relating a family member" come Gia stall for a little bit, it makes it feel more natural. build up the anger then go full range.

"No questions" the rude girl snapped. she was pushing her buttons now.

"Don't speak to me like that little girl" the look on her face was priceless, we all no who is going to lose in a fight against me.

"Stop" the scarlet haired girl came forward. " I am sorry about her" that girl was really nice, to bad the second white haired girl couldn't pick up manners from her. "hi my name is Erza. the goby one is Lisanna" great I really didn't want to know the gobness names at all.

"Hello I am Gia. the two behind me are Ace and Lava" I spoke as they just walked up the hill now and gave a small wave.

"Who do you want to talk about to us?" Erza was so nice.

" oh yes. my sister Lucy Heartfillia..." the hill became extremely quite like they all saw a ghost. What was their problem?

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