Chappy 6- being alone kills.

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Lucy POV.

A few months have gone by in a flash, the dragon power has been coming back to me. My skin is stronger, my bones don't break so well, everything about me is slowly changing but I don't know if it is good or not. I have the power of the dragons running in my body but I have in clue how to use it. Why did I not bring a dragon slayer to help me train. That is so smart Lucy well done. I should have brought Gajeel or Laxus. Wendy would not be able to have a life on her own so she was out of the question. Everyone knows why the other one is not open for debate.

The cabin was nice a cozy, the kitchen was small but really homely. The bedroom and living room where the same room p, it just had a bed and a home made bench inside but the bathroom was the best, it was out side on an outhouse. I loved it so much. I just want to go home now and not be here. I will not be welcome here anymore. It is not my home. To bad it used to be. Sour emotion steer up in my body and I can feel the power cooking. Sand and solar light cover the tree then burnt it to nothing. How powerful am I going to be? Can hurt people with one move! Can I feel power and not a weak little mummies girl.

I do get lonely everyday I miss most people, miss the atmosphere of a home. Here is peaceful but I miss the bar fights the times we are like a really family. I miss them all . but I miss my old friends most of all everything was perfect before she came.

My powers grew everyday, it was two month later before I truely felt complete. The power still grew and grew. It is still growing now. Come on Lucy, you need to be trained really trained. I screamed at myself standing in the river taking a bath.

"I can help with that princess." I turned round. My eyes met with crimson red eyes. The woman was wearing a long black dress with flame like patterns up the legs. She had her midnight black hair in a bun with a couple of roses around it. She was so pretty. Looking closer at her I saw she looked like me a little with her eyed but they were warming but a little scary.

"Who are you?" I shouted at her. She used magic to dress me in clothes. She placed a long golden dress with no shoes and in her other hand was my backpack.

"You have grown little sister. " The female pulled me into a hug. Now looking at her closely she looked like the lady from before.

"Gia." What fell down my face. That has not happened in a few months, I was so happy to have her back. That ment it was time. Time to have a family again.

"Come on sister lets go home." Gia walked into a portal. I was unsure at frist but then I remembered what fairy tail has done for me and why I need to do this. Why I need to grow up and stop being weak.Going into the portal it felt really werid like my body wasn't my own and I was getting removed from it. Gia was holding my hand as we walked into the dragon world.

This was the moment I was no longer Lucy the weak girl but now I would be Princess Lucy of the dragon world.

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