Airport Madness

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I haven't talked to Cameron since the argument we had about Vinny and I'm actually kind of upset.
Today all the hip hoppers are flying down to LA for the first audition.
The audition is tomorrow but Jeanette and Adam scheduled the flight for today so we would have enough time to get settled.
I looked down at my phone to see that it was 4:00 am.
We had to be at the air port by 6:00 so I decided to get ready.
I went in the bathroom took a shower, brushed my teeth and washed my face.
I didn't bother doing my hair so I just pulled it in to a messy bun.
I slipped on my gray tights and aqua LOVE PINK over sized crew neck sweater along with my black Ugg boots.
I checked my phone and it was 4:47.
I decided it would be best if I just got something to eat now.
I headed down stairs to see all my bags piled against the door from last night.
I saw my mom in the living watching tv while on her phone.
"Hey mom!" I groaned.
"Morning honey, you excited to go to LA this morning." She grinned.
"I guess!"
I sighed.
"What's wrong with you, I thought you wanted to go to the audition and have a chance to go on tour with Iggy."
She said looking worried.
"Yeah but, it's not gonna be much fun if Cameron isn't gonna bother talking to me!" I sighed.
"I told you not to chase after guys, just hang out with your other friends!" My mom groaned.
"But Cameron's the only person there that I actually talk to!" I whined.
"What about Autumn and that Vinny boy?" My mom asked.
"Autumn has been acting different and Vinny is the reason Cameron and I aren't talking, I don't want him to get even more upset." I sighed.
"Honey, I love Cameron but you can not let him control who you wanna talk to!" She said not looking up from her phone.
"But should I really risk our whole relationship over a guy I barely get to talk to." I groaned.
Her eyes shot up from her phone,
"Of course! This is only the beginning! First he'll tell you who to hang out with, then what to wear and then he'll want to know where you are and what you're doing all hours of the day!"
"Mom! It won't get that serious!" I scoffed.
"If you give him that control it will!" She smirked.
"Whatever, let's just head over to the airport, please!" I rolled my eyes.

I finally reached the airport too see all the hip hop dancers standing in front of the building.
I jumped out the car, yanking all my bags from the back seat before waving bye to my mom.
I walked over to the group and it was complete chaos.
Adam and Jeanette kept trying to take attendance but people kept walking away and more people kept piling in front of us.
After about thirty minutes we finally were able to head over to the gate.
I looked over at Cameron and saw him with Carter, Nick, Sophia and Autumn.
I knew it wouldn't be a good idea to go over to that group so I just sat near Jeanette and Adam and plugged my earphones in my ear.
I felt someone come up and yank one of my earphones from my ear.
I looked up to see Vinny with a big smirk on his face.
I pushed my bags on the floor giving him room to sit.
"So, where's Mr. Over protective?"
He laughed laying his arm around the head of my seat.
"Well, he's been acting weird ever since we started hanging out again!"
"So, he's throwing a little tantrum and won't talk to you?!"
"Yup, he's just gonna keep ignoring me if I'm still gonna talk to you."
"So, you're not gonna talk to me anymore?" He sighed.
"No. No I am, I can't let Cameron control."
"So, are you guys like-broken up?"
He smiled.
"Yes, no...I-I don't know! He's not talking to me but we never officially broke up!" I groaned.
"Oh, I just though you guys would be broken up by now." Vinny sighed.
"Mr. Vinny, are you jealous?!"
I sang.
"Why would I be jealous?"
He asked defensively.
"Come on, everyone always talks how all the boys in the studio like me, you're a boy!" I smirked.
"Whatever, you just want every guy to like you."
He rolled his eyes taking his phone out his pocket.
"Vinny, you know I'm just joking with you!"
I laughed but he just ignored me.
I got on knees sitting up in my chair and hung my head low so I could look in his face.
I sang in an annoying voice.
"Vincent, you mad?!"
I laughed making him smile a little.
"Is you mad or nah?!"
I laughed.
He looked up at me with a big smile on his face.
"See, you can't stay mad at me!"
I giggled.
I opened my arms wide.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in a hug yanking me off the chair.
I laughed swaying back in forth while hugging him.
I felt an arm grab me and pull me up.
I looked up to see Cameron with anger in his eyes.
"What are you doing, get off of me."
I tried to yank my arm from his grip but he just tightened.
"I told you to stay away from Vinny!"
He mumbled through his teeth.
"Get off her!"
Vinny stood up from his chair and walked closet to Cameron.
"Get the hell out of here!"
Cameron shoved Vinny with his one free hand making sure he wasn't loosening his grip on me.
Vinny charged towards Cameron but was quickly yanked back by Adam.
"Sit down!" He growled through his teeth.
"What the hell is wrong with you Cameron?!"
I yanked away from him backing up.
"Me, you're throwing yourself at Vinny!"
"I was hugging him! And you know what maybe I wouldn't be spending so much time with Vinny if it wasn't for you!" I barked.
"What the hell-"
Cameron was cut off by Nick pulling on his arm.
And shaking his head towards him telling him to stop.
Cameron glared back at me before walking back over towards Autumn, Sophia and Carter.

Hip Hopper ☩ Cameron BoyceWhere stories live. Discover now